Part 2

Zelgadiss didn't know how he'd got into Saillune High School, but he did. Now what? He wondered. Act like you're he new student, idiot. The inner voice said. Zelgadiss huffed as he started walking and exploring the school and getting many looks from various girls.

"My.. isn't he cute," a girl gushed at her friend. Her friend giggled. Zelgadiss noticed this and felt his spirits high. After all.. he'd never gotten any compliments on his looks. Most people just run away when they even heard of a chimera let alone actually see him in that form. Zelgadiss sighed. It shouldn't be very hard to find -

"Ooofff.." He was so deep in thought he didn't see where he was going. He had bumped into somebody. He glanced down to apologize. It was.. that girl.

"Amelia?" He wondered out loud.

"Have we met?" Amelia asked as she got closer looks at Zelgadiss.

"No.. " Zelgadiss lied as he digs into his pocket. "But I found this," He took out her school id which he had found.

"Aah! My id! Thank you!" Amelia beamed as she took her id back. "I've been searching all over for this!" She smiled.

"Hey, no problem," Zelgadiss shrugged.

"And in return.. how about me showing you around school?" Amelia flirted, her big blue eyes shining. Zelgadiss felt his cheeks hot.

"Hey.. why not?" He shrugged.

After School...

"This is Lina and that is Gourry," Amelia introduced her friends. She had brought him to the hippiest hangout to let him get to know others.

"I'm Zelgadiss," he introduced himself.

"Nmmsfice thuh mheet tyu," Lina and Gourry mumbled, their cheeks puffed up, and continued eating their lunch. Zelgadiss frowned. Lina gulped down her food.

"Nice to meet you," Lina smiled.

"Yeah, me too," Gourry said through his food. "Zeljoides?"

"No, Gourry that's Zelkagiss," Lina said knowingly.

"No, he's Zeldagiss," Amelia piped in.

"Zelgadiss," Zelgadiss corrected them all.

"Ooohh..." chorused the rest.

"So where are you from?" Lina asked as she reached for the last giant meatball with her fork. Zelgadiss was about to lie when Gourry interrupted him.

"Wait.. a minute.. Lina... I stuck my fork first," Gourry argued. He also was holding a fork stuck in the meatball.

"But I was first," Amelia whined. Unfortunately her fork too was in the meatball.

"Look, since I'm the male, I get that meatball," Gourry explained.

"Sexist!" Amelia and Lina shouted.

"I should get it because I was first," Lina glared at her two 'opponents'.

Zelgadiss sighed. He didn't realized that these mortals act like carnivorous animals. But for the sake of peace [to him] he decided not to barge in. He just sat there, drinking his coffee, watching the three.

"But you guys have eaten almost the whole meal!" Amelia reasoned.

"What's your point?" Lina replied.

"My point is its mine!" Amelia argued.

"No way! I'm way hungrier than you!" Gourry put in. Lina snorted. Amelia mumbled. Okay, by this time Zelgadiss's patient have been tested that this is too much to take.

"Why don't you just split - " Zelgadiss stopped when he saw a blue stone peeking out from his fingers. Oh, Zelas Sama... He quickly strained his neck to look outside. Just as he suspected. It was almost sunset. Man, he frowned. First he can't let any mortals see him in his chimera form as Xelloss said, "Once they see you're different they'll surely chop your head off," and he had heard what that Lina can do. Dragon Slave, Giga Slave, Laguna Blade...etc..etc. Plus that Gourry had the Sword of Light, which is the only weapon that can hurt him, a chimera. Zelgadiss ran his hands on his neck. He gulped. No way is he going to let some dimwitted humans hang his head in their living room. He'll just have to fight some other time. Then he saw a few more stones appearing on his hands. He quickly got up as he tries to cover it from the humans.

"Where are you going?" Amelia asked looking up to Zelgadiss. At that moment Lina slammed the table and the meatball went flying. "HEY!" Amelia, Gourry, and Lina dived for the falling meatball. Zelgadiss took the opportunity to walk away while the three fought for the meatball.

Zelgadiss quickly search for cover. By this time the sun have already set and he is back in his true form. Shit, he cursed as he stared at his stony hands.

"Oh, Zelas sama!" someone shrieked. And she turned into a stone.

"Oh, man!" Zelgadiss sighed. And then pandemonium.

Guess who's the winner? Gourry managed to jump higher than the rest and caught the meatball with his wide mouth. He stood up proudly.

"Gourry!!!" Lina shouted as she choked him.

"Where did Zelgadiss san go?" Amelia wondered looking around finally giving the meatball up. That's when several people ran past them shouting their heads off. More people began running out of the building nearby. A little boy crashed into Amelia. Amelia picked him up and shook his shoulders, asking what was happening.

"Ch..chi... chimera," the boy sputtered and then ran away in fright. Lina apparently had stopped choking Gourry.

"Chimera?! Here?!" Amelia and Lina wondered in unison.

"Hey.. isn't chimera the one who turns humans to stone by mere eye contact with him?" Gourry asked. Lina and Amelia nodded gravely. He took out his sword.

"Let's get him!" The three shouted heroically and ran towards the building.

By this time Zelgadiss decided he'd better go inside the gent's bathroom in the building. Well.. not to cause any more chaos than it is. Now how the hell is he going to get out without bumping into Lina, Gourry, & Amelia? Think, Zelgadiss, think! he forced himself to. He is usually imperturbable enough but this -

"Come out, you vile villain! You are the one causing all those havoc out there! Turning pitiful victims into stone statues! Come out or you shall suffer the great magic from me, princess of Saillune, defender of the innocent, all around justice girl - " Amelia went on outside the bathroom. Zelgadiss sigh in relief as she didn't come in.

Amelia frowned. Lina and Gourry are somewhere in the building as they have agreed to separate. This is tough. Amelia thought. How am I going to handle this. What would Otuusan do?

"Excuse me.. Mr. Chimera.. could you come out?" Amelia knocked. Zelgadiss smacked his forehead.

"Amelia!" Lina's voice echoed through Amelia's ears. Lina and Gourry ran up to her. "Do you know where the chimera is?"

Chimera.. bah! Zelgadiss folded his arms across. If they know that the chimera is actually Zelgadiss in disguise... It's just like humans to judge by the looks. he took a deep breath and stood in front of the door to attack anything, anyone that comes through that door.

"Umm.. he's in the bathroom," Amelia replied from the outside. Everyone facefaults.

"Why aren't you in?" Lina asked impatiently.

"It's the gent's bathroom!" Amelia frowned, pointing towards the gent's sign.

"She has a point," Gourry put in.

"Do you think I care?! Do you know how much the king's willing to pay for that head hung in his living room?!" Lina stomped her foot, pointing vigorously towards the door.

"I told you humans would kill you," came a voice. Zelgadiss looked up.

"Xelloss," he muttered. Xelloss shook his index finger indicating a no-no.

"You want to be safe from them, come with me,"

"What have I got to lose.. I'm working under you anyway," Zelgadiss grumbled. With that both of them disappeared.

"Hiyaah!" Lina kicked the door open. And the door did burst open with the pieces on the floor.

"Huh? I thought there was somebody inside," Gourry scratched his head.

"There was! The door was locked just now," Amelia sighed.

"He must've gotten out," Lina concluded.

Zelgadiss stretched. Working with the Lord of the demons was hard work. First, make sure the dead souls don't run away, second, take care of the skeleton guards, third, sweep his office. Luckily it lasted only a night. And now it's day and time for school. It was almost the end of the day, and into the field for the usual physical education.

"True friendship, Zelgadiss," Xelloss's words echoed in his ears.

"I know," Zelgadiss snapped to no one in particular.

"Zelgadiss san!" he saw Amelia running towards him. When she finally caught up to him the first thing she asked was, "Where did you went yesterday? It was sudden,"

"I.. I ... had some important errands to do..." he answered. Hope she'll take that answer. " So what's new?" He asked hoping to change the topic.

"Oh, luckily you went off yesterday. There was this chimera, which caused mayhem! I bet they're gonna have this for PE..." She said.

"Have what?" he asked.

"Oh, there's Lina and Gourry! Let's go and group up with them!" Amelia said as she dragged him there.

"Ohayo!" Gourry greeted.

"Like, they don't have any other thing to play," Lina grunted. "I kinda like dodge ball,"

"Swords and shields, today folks! You can never be too careful with a chimera around in this city!" The PE teacher yelled over as she tossed a few equipment. Everyone rushed to get them.

"Umm.. can I please not take the sword?... I'll take the shield though..." Amelia asked politely to the teacher.


"This is so boring," Lina yawned. "Of course, you enjoy this Gourry,"

"Are you kidding?! This is my kind of sport!" He beamed as he checked the sword. "Although.. this sword is fake,"

"It's for safety reasons. You'll take the real one when you are battling with the evil chimera," The PE teacher piped in.

Chimera, chimera, chimera... Zelgadiss thought angrily. Have they no other things to talk about? Do they care about the chimera's looks and curse only? He stabbed his sword into the ground, angrily.

"Whoa... You've shoved the sword in too deep, man, " Gourry interrupted. Sure enough, Zelgadiss didn't realize that his sword in 3/4 way into the ground.

"Take that sword off the ground and fight me, pretty boy," Gourry challenged playfully. Zelgadiss shrugged as he took it out.

"You realize that no one calls me pretty boy," Zelgadiss grinned as he circled around Gourry.

"And you must realize that I'm good at this," Gourry said. "Ask Lina," He points to Lina. Zelgadiss took the opportunity to knock Gourry off, but Gourry managed to block it with his own sword. The two swords stuck to each other like magnets. Gourry and Zelgadiss each tried to push the other down.

"Man, you're good..." Gourry huffed.

"You're not so bad yourself," Zelgadiss smirked. Both of them jumped backwards away from each other. By this time, the entire class was watching both of them.

"Hey, cool! NO one is able to match to Gourry until now!" Amelia said eagerly. Lina raised her eyebrows.

"I think I almost beat him," Lina replied.


Gourry never felt this energy inside of himself before. Man, this Zelgadiss is way better than any of the classmate. Well.. except for Lina.

"Hey, Gourry.. look over there!" Zelgadiss said pointing towards the cafeteria. Gourry diverted his attention and Zelgadiss somersaulted to seize the innocent Gourry. But Gourry held Zelgadiss's sword against his as Zelgadiss was about to knock him off. Man, Gourry's good.. a little diversion doesn't even took his eyes of the fight. Zelgadiss thought. Gourry leaped again and brought his fake sword down. Zelgadiss was already ready for him. And when Gourry came down, Zelgadiss blocked his attack by bringing his shield up. Both jumped back backwards and kept their guard on. That Gourry is good. He doesn't even need a shield.

"Hey, that's not fair!" Gourry complained. "No shields!" He shook his head.

"Fine!" Zelgadiss said as he hurled the shield towards Gourry and ran in super speed towards Gourry. Gourry ducked the shield and Zelgadiss knocked him from behind. Gourry fell down moaning and he slides his legs out to trip an unsuspecting Zelgadiss. Zelgadiss fell on the ground and Gourry jumped up and held his sword at Zelgadiss's throat.

"I win," Gourry smiled. Zelgadiss dropped his sword and surrendered. Gourry held out his hands to Zelgadiss and pulled him up.

"I can't believe I lost," Zelgadiss sighed.

"Hey, that was a good fight! Next time you are going to be my foe for every PE period!" Gourry said slapping Zelgadiss's back.

"Gotcha," Zelgadiss smiled. "I'm gonna kick your ass the next time," Actually he had felt good. Gourry's such a good friend and Zelgadiss knew Gourry could beat him right from the beginning. And Zelgadiss don't want to think about Gourry, if Gourry knows that Zelgadiss is a chimera he'll surely beat him and have Zelgadiss's head off. Zelgadiss shivered at the thought.

"Okay, everyone.. pay up!" Lina's voice boomed. Everyone grumbled and emptied their pockets ad Lina collected all the money she had betted on.

"Lina Inverse! You are betting on school grounds?" The PE teacher reprimanded.

"No... of course not!" Lina shook her head innocently.

"YES, SHE DID,!" the 'losers' pointed towards the red haired sorceress.

"Off to the principal's office with you, young lady! Do you know the penalty of betting and gambling in the school grounds?!" The PE Teacher pointed towards the detention.

"What?! That's not fair! Inhuman! Prejudice!" Lina protested as the teacher dragged her away. "You all are going to get it!" Lina still yelling and pointing towards the losers. "Gourry! You were in it too!" Lina added hurriedly.

"Me? " Gourry echoed pointing to himself. "I did?" He began rewinding back the whole period. "No, I did - "

"Gourry Gabriev! You are going to get detention too! I can't believe you are betting!" The PE teacher retorted.



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