In The Case Of Lina Inverse ...

Flame-red hair, a fiery girl,
An early life spent in a whirl,
A child, forced to grow too soon,
With danger, once thought of as boon.

Every spell takes her closer to doom,
She sits, huddled inside her room,
Scared of loving anyone,
Of what she'll do and what she's done.

Yet one so near is in her heart,
He plays the gentle, caring part.
One of wisdom, crystal clear.
Next to him she has no fear.

And yet she cannot say the truth,
The curse of her unhappy youth.
She is one who must always smile,
Always show her strength and guile.

Away from friends she sobs alone,
Unhappiness down to the bone.
One day, she says, she'll tell her other,
One day learn to trust another.

She realises not that Stone-Boy cares,
Not realising how well she fares,
But as I think of byes and byes,
I open slitted purple eyes.

Ah, Lina-chan, how much you cry.
I'm surprised you haven't tried to die.
As you get up to go and dine,
I swear one day, I'LL MAKE YOU MINE!

In The Case Of Zelgadis Greywers ...   |   Fanfiction