
It wasn't as if Zel had been doing anything important when the blond man almost ran into him. It had been a slow day and Zel was just returning home to make himself ready to head out for his part time job. It wasn't even unusual for people to be running about without looking where in this neighborhood. It did annoy him a bit though. Enough to make him turn to see the stranger's path, just in time to see him drop the bundle he had been caring, fast, yet carefully into a nearby garbage can.

It didn't surprise him much when another man came running out of the shadows obviously following the first. But as he was about to turn the corner and commit the incidents to oblivion, he caught a glimpse of movement with the corner of his eye.

Moving faster than anyone Zel had ever seen, even himself, a purple haired woman jumped from a nearby roof onto the second man, taking him down with the force of her fall. Neither made a sound. With a flicker of movement a wooden stake was in her hand and a moment later it was sticking out of the man's chest.

With a precision that could only be earned by years of training the purple haired woman jumped up and proceeded to chase the first man who was almost around the corner.

He won't make it. Thought Zel, while he wondered why he cared. He had to be somewhere else in a few minutes, yet he found himself unable to move, he needed to know how this scene would end.

And as Zel had predicted, the woman caught up with the man. With a slick movement and something metal in her hand, that might have been a knife, she cut the man's throat.

Then slowly and deliberately, without paying any attention to Zel, she walked back to the first man and slung him over one shoulder. She carried him to the other man, laying him beside him, and then putting the blood smeared knife in his hand. It would seem as if they had killed each other. Then she walked over to the garbage can and retrieved the item the first man had so carefully concealed. It turned out to be a little girl of about 6 years of age, skinny and blond, unconscious, yet alive. The purple haired woman walked into the night, carrying the child.

Zel shrugged, the streets got stranger every day.

He walked up the stairs to his apartment, unlocked the door and proceeded to take of his uniform. He put on black jeans and a turtleneck sweater, and over it a black trench coat. Then he headed for the other closet, where he easily opened the false wall concealed at the back. He decided to take his rifle, and two knives, one for the belt and one for the boot, and a pair of grenades, he never left home to do a job without them.

The man he had been paid to kill didn't even have the time to scream, as Zelgadis interrupted his sexual encounter by kicking the motel door in. With a muttered "bye" Zel fired his rifle.

Chapter 1   |   Fanfiction