Part Seven

*Zel, Lina, and Gourry, who is still in drag due to the fact Xellas still has his normal clothes, reach two doors. On the doors there are two faces. One has the door knocker going through his ears the other has a a large metal ring in his mouth*

Lina: *looks over at them* What are they?

Deaf Face: What?

One with ring in his mouth: air hah oor ockers!

Lina: Nani?

Zel: *figuring the problem out walks over to the one with the ring in his mouth and pulls it out*

Face2: Thank you! Maybe your group isn't too hopeless....

Lina: *glares at him*

Zel: Which door leads to the castle?

Face2: Dunno were just the knockers.

Zel: I see. Well let us in.

Face2: Can't do that.

Lina: WHY NOT?!?

Face2: You have to knock.

Zel: Open up. *readys the ring at the faces mouth*

Face2: Uh-uh.

Deaf Face: Doesn't want the ring back in his mouth does he? Can't say I blame him.

Zel: Open it up and when we get in I'll remove it.

Face2: Deal. *opens his mouth and Zel places the ring in it and knocks. The door swings open and as they enter Zel removes the ring dropping it in front of the door and jumps aside as the door slams*

Zel: Lets go -

*They continue their walk through the dense glittery forest*

Lina: I have this wierd feeling - *walks ahead of the two men who trail some distance behind her*

Gourry: Hmm you know I think somethings going to happen.

Zel: Now why would you say tha - AAAGGHHH!! *both fall down as a shaft opens up in the ground and closes back up over their heads. Lina hears the screams and turns in time to see nothing. *

Lina: *turns* Z - Hoggle? Ludo? Where are you *looks around and all of a sudden a firey ( a gangly creature with red-orange fur) Jumps at her*

Firey: Hey there little lady!

Lina: *Jumps in surprise* AGH!

Firey #2: And BOY is SHE LITTLE!

Lina: GRRR....FIREBALL!!!!

*a loud explosion echoes throughout the forest*

Back at the castle:

Xellos: Hmmm... It seems the firey's opened their big mouths...

Rodimus: *mutters to Zolf* Why can't she do that to 'HIM'?

Xellos: Cause Lina-chan loves me too much! *smiles as the others facefault*

Phibrizo: *mutters* We'll sooner see Lina do a strip dance before she falls in love with that fruitcake...

Noonsa, Rodimus, and Zolf: *shudder at thought*

Xellos: *grins*

Zolf: Sicko....

Xellos: *dissapears and we find Zelgadis trying to get up and over a ledge*

Gourry: This place stinks!!! What is this place called again Zelgadis?

Zelgadis: The bog of stench I believe... *grabs a hold of a ledge and goes over the ledge leaving Gourry alone for a moment*

Xellos: *appears next to Gourry* Hi Gourry.

Gourry: Oh hey Xellos where ya been?

Xellos: *shrugs* Hey can you give this to Lina? *hands Gourry a peach* Its for her so DON'T eat it Gourry.

Gourry: Don't let her eat it got it!

Xellos: >.< Gourry I'll repeat this SLOWLY...Give the peach to Lina. You can not eat it.

Gourry: Ohh... Ok.

*Xellos disapears as Zel peaks over the edge and gives a hand to Gourry to help him up*

Zelgadis: Who were you talking to Gourry?

Gourry: *thinks really hard* I forgot...

Zelgadis: *sweatdrops*

*Meanwhile back in the foresty - errr...well used to be foresty area, but now a nice part of it was burned - we find Lina walking to a large brick wall and levitates up landing on the top of it.*

Lina: This is a piece of cake...

*takes a step forward and the ground opens up beneath her sending her swirling down a shaft. She screams as it ends and she nearly falls head first into the bog, barely saved by Gourry*

Gourry: Hi Lina!

Lina: My name is supposed to be 'SARAH' baka.

Gourry: Sarah Baka? Why'd you want a name like that?

Lina: Stand me up darn it!!!

*Gourry stands her up and she looks down and puts a hand to her mouth*

Lina: This place reeks!!! Its smells like s -

Zelgadis: Lets get out of here.

*The trio climb there way over to steady land, which is surrounded by the bog of stench, and start to walk towards the rickety bridge.*

Amelia: Halt! All those who wish to cross must get past me! *jumps out from the large nearby tree and lands on her face* OUCH!!!!

Lina, Gourry, and Zelgadis: O_o

Amelia: THAT HURT!!! *cries for a split second than stands up. She wearing a blue and gold outfit and is carrying a staff*

Lina: Interesting costume.

Zelgadis: *nudges Lina*

Lina: Nani?

Zelgadis: Listen Jaime wants us to do this correctly. So say your lines, the sooner and faster we get through this the better...

Lina: Oh yah.... Please we have to get across.

Amelia: Without MY permission no one may cross!

Gourry: But we only have a little time left - OUCH! *cries out as Lina jabs in the head with her elbow*

Lina: That was MY line baka!!!

Zelgadis: *sighs* Amelia may we have your permission?

Amelia: SURE! *smiles happily with two hearts in her eyes*

* Zelgadis flies over the bridge seeing as it is too weak to hold his weight and Amelia follows. Lina and Gourry stop fighting and when she notices where Zelgadis is standing flies over.*

Lina: Come on Gourry. *Gourry stands up and walks over to the bridge and looks at it*

Amelia: Lina-san, are you sure that you should let him cross?

Lina: *shrugs*

Gourry: *steps on it and it wavers teterously* Lina I don't think its gonna hold my weiGHHHTTT!!!!! *screams as the board breaks in the middle and he jumps up grabbing an overhanging tree branch* SAVE ME!!! SOMEONE HELP ME I'M FALLING!!!! *Branch bends down slightly under his weight*

Lina: O_O Ok so maybe it wasn't as strong as I thought it was...

Amelia: In the name of Justice I shall rescue Gourry-san!!! *flies above him and puts her arms under his and tries to lift him up* HEAVY -

Zelgadis: *sighs and encases them both in a shield bringing them to normal ground*

Amelia and Gourry: Phew!!!

Lina: Lets get going! *turns around and starts walking off. As the others watch they run after her trying to catch up*

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