"Daddy, what was mommy like?" His little girl looked up at him with her red eyes full of wonder, with wisps of indigo blowing in front of them.
She was the most beautiful woman in the world. Courage and loyalty were her strong points, eating was a weakness though, just like a certain little girl I know. Anyway, when I met her she was no more than a child. Then to me it seemed as if she grew up into a woman over night." He paused a moment to glance at his daughter, then continued.
"We had started out as enemies, but your mother had this aura about her. I think that's why I had let her go, and eventually fell in love with her."
"When did you first know that you loved her?" His little girl's voice interrupted his story.
"Let's go walking, and I'll tell you. Ok?"
"'K. Let me go and find my shoes." The little girl bounded off to find her shoes, and returned a few minutes later.
"Ready to go now?" The little girl shook her head in agreement, and took her daddy's hand.
"Now you wanted to know when I first realized that I loved your mom, huh? I guess it was about two years after she had destroyed the last piece of Shabrinaganduu, but that means nothing to you does it? Let me see, that means it would be seven years after I met her."
"How old were ya'll?"
"I was twenty eight then, and she was ... well that is complicated. Do you want her physical age or her actual age?"
His daughter looked up and blinked at him before answering.
"Ok. Well her physical appearance was about seventeen or eighteen, but that was only because her dealing with the black magic slowed down her aging process, her actual age was closer to twenty-five or so. Shall I continue?"
Once again all she did was nod.
"Well your mother had gotten herself hurt, and she was dying, as was Gourry. Since he was worse off, Amelia and Shyphiel were both casting healing spells on him. I ran over to her and sat on the ground, propping her head in my lap, while holding her hand. My healing spells weren't that strong, really they were just enough to heal me, but I was doing all I could to try and heal her." He paused and felt a tear run down his face at the memory.
"Well how did she get healed then? Did you do it all yourself?"
"No, she held on to my hand tighter and used my body as a channeling stone of sorts, and cast her own healing spell. Once healed, a tremendous relief washed over me, and I gathered her up in my arms, and told her I loved her."
"You are leaving something out, aren't you Daddy?" She stopped and put her hands on her hips, staring at him.
"How did you know little bit?"
"That...is a secret!" She giggled as her father swung her around.
"Been hanging around Xellos' and Fiara's kid again have you?"
"Ok, you spoiled lil' brat. I told her that I loved her and gave her a kiss. We knew when Gourry was ok, because we heard him, Amelia, and Shyphiel clapping saying 'Way to go' and 'It's about time'. We got married a couple of months later, then a year later we found out she was pregnant with you."
His story ended just as they reached the grave of their loved one.
Lina Greywers
~From child to Temptress
Remembered by all
Whose lives you touched
With magic and Love~
"Daddy, is it my fault that Mommy died?"
Zelgadis picked up his little girl.
"Never, ever think that Amy. No one could have known that your mom was going to be able to get pregnant. It was thought to be next to impossible. She was at her happiest all those months when she was pregnant with you. Even happier than getting a heaping table of food or killing a few bandits. So never think that it is your fault."
"I want to put some flowers on Mommy's grave." Amethyst jumped from her fathers arms and knelt in front of Lina's gave.
Chanting a small spell, red and white roses popped out of the ground.
"There. Can we go back to the house now Daddy? I'm hungry." Zel threw his had back and laughed.
"You sound just like your mother. I'll race you then. The loser has to do the dishes."
"Wait, Dad! Isn't Uncle Gourry and Aunt Shyphiel coming over for dinner tonight?"
"Your right. That means more dishes, better fly fast." On the count of three the two cast Ray Wing as rushed towards the house.
From her seat in the Astral Plane, Lina looked into the portal to the Outer Planes and smiled a sad smile on her two loved ones as they learned to let go and live on.
Had to start getting my sad fics out of my system. Hopefully the next ones I write won't be as sad.