To Exist

Everyone is alone, this I know well.
If you let people near you, you get hurt.
I know this, but I still need them.

They are like a drug, a very addicting drug
That slowly changes me from the person I was.
I laugh and smile more, but inside I am afraid.

If I were to lose them I think I would die.
So why do I open myself to this chance,
This chance of letting them destroy me?

If you were to ask me a year ago
If I would risk anything for my friends
I would have fireballed you and said you lied.

Oh how people change when they have friends
I am no loger living for myself
I am no longer alone.

In some ways that is good and other it's bad
What if they find out about me?
What if they find out that I am really a coward.

I may seem like I am happy and confident
But I am really a quivering heap.
What if they find out.

What is they find out that I am afraid of the dark?
Will they still like me, can they?
No, how could someone like a person like me?

I may claim to be a genious and surpeme
I am just a act, a fake.
Lina Inverse doesn't exist, she is a mask.
