It was a dark room. There were five persons in that room two woman, two men and a child. The child spoke: "It's incredible, if He hadn't said it, I wouldn't have imagined it!"
The woman spoke, her voice was calm: "Do you think, it's true? I would have thought about her mate...!"
The child smiled cruelly: "yeah, me too. But she's the new Shabranigdo's knight and she'll need adapt herself to her new role! Someone must guard her until she wakes up."
After an instant appeared a young man: "Have you called, my mistress?"
She decided to try to surprise him: "You must guard that girl. She's destined to become the Knight!"
She remained a little deluded, because he simply smiled and bowed: "How wish my Lady?", then disappeared.
After a second the other disappeared, too and in the room remained only the image of black haired girl.
Amelia was dreaming, she was running, a horrible black shadow with red eyes was chasing her and a second before the figure captured her she woke up
She breathed loudly, around her everybody slept horrible nightmare, it's tormented me for weeks, now. It's not fair, I stop to dream about my mother only to dream this!
She pouted: "It's not fair!"
A shadow fell upon her almost doing shouting, then she saw that was Xelloss and relaxed slightly: "What are you doing here?"
He smiled: "Sore wa himitsu des. What's not fair?"
She smiled but her answer was a little vast: "I had a nightmare this night!"
"What happened in this nightmare?"
"Eh, eh, eh... Silly me! I don't remember." She looked around and saw the dim light of fire camp. She got up "I go to take some branch!" and ran away.
Xelloss smiled.
Amelia sat down not very distant from the camp, this nightmare is a secret, I don't know why but I know it's so! It's sad because I believe Xelloss could reassure me about it. Yeah, as Xelloss had never helped anybody without motif. If HE helped me I knew to be in big problems.
When she stood up the sun was downing and she came back to the camp.
Zel woke up a little before of the dawn, the fire was blowing out and Amelia wasn't in her sleeping bag. His heart leapt a beat, he looked for some traces but there weren't in any place, then he noted Xelloss. "Where is she?"
"Lina is sleeping!"
"I'm referring to Amelia, cursed fruitcake!"
The mazoku smiled: "Sore wa himitsu des."
Zel let go him and watched the sun, his eyes were full of fury and watched Xelloss as he wanted kill him. Amelia, come back soon, I'll give you five minutes after the dawn then I'll come to look for you...
He was going to move when a soft rustle did him turn and he saw a safe and sure Amelia coming towards him. He met her to the center of the camp and with a low voice: "Amelia where are you gone?"
She uncertainly smiled "I had a nightmare and I took a walking to refresh my mind".
"Don't go alone around in these woods anymore. You know what we're looking for!"
She nodded: "Yes, and I hope it's false. He's dead, Lina killed him!"
Xelloss that had listened the conversation smiled darkly, he's understood what they searched and he had every intention to see the result of that research.
In the next chapter, we discovered who are the five persons in the room and something about the research of Lina and company.