Finally Together

Author's Prologue

Me: Hi! I've wrote my first fanfic about Amelia and Zelgadiss

Amelia: I hope it's not the last

Me: I don't know Amelia! It was very difficult write about you both!

Amelia: I hope you don't want write about Xelloss and me anymore!

Xelloss: Why not? It's funny! ^_^

Amelia: you say so only because you know I don't like it

Xelloss: I hope you don't think that badly about me! ^_^

Amelia: Worse!

Xelloss: I'm really hurt! ^_^

Me: Uhm! Amelia I must finish the on going fanfic but I don't know what will happen after

Amelia: another story with Zel (hoping)

Me: I think Xelloss and someone

Zel: Not me!

Me: It's not a bad idea! ^_^

Xelloss laughs

Amelia and Zel: No, No, No and NO!

Me: I'll see. Go in the fanfic now

They were travelling in a dense forest and the dinner's time was arrived.

Lina complained: "It's not fair! I wanted arrive to Seagate before dinner but you have wanted stop to see that cursed ancient temple and it was empty! Now, we are here with any food. I'm hungry!"

Amelia answered with rage: "Don't mess up the cards, Lina! You wanted see the ruins, too and if I'm not wrong it was to discover treasures."

Zelgadiss sighed while Lina and Amelia started to quarrel. He wasn't sure to will travel with them. He thought to do soon to find a cure going alone but he didn't feel of the mood for a discussion.

Gourry saw a little empty space: "Lina, do we rest there?" he pointed the place.

Lina, with fury: "Do you see other places, silly airhead?! Let's go!" Gourry was silent; even he knew that wasn't a good idea answer to Lina in similar circumstances.

When they finished the camp, Lina went to sleep and Amelia went to take firewood. Gourry had offered going with her but she refused kindly and he went to sleep near Lina.

"Wonderful, the only awake person is a cursed mazoku!" Zelgadiss complained.

Xelloss smiled: "Do you speak with me? I've not ever been cursed."

Zel snarled: "I spoke of you, not with you! Why don't you tell me what do you want? I thought our... affairs together are finished after Darkstar".

"Oh well, you know... Sore wa himitsu des," another voice coupled his while he said his well-known, annoying sentence. They turned around to see a smiling Amelia with a heavy burden of bunches of wood. "Zel, I don't understand why you try; you know his answer!" Zel got up to take same wood to put in the fire. Amelia laid down the remain. "Amelia, I want speak you!"

She looked him strangely: "Let's speak!"

"I prefer stay alone with you", he added glancing Xelloss meaningfully. Xelloss continued to smile and disappeared. When they were distant from the camp Zel sighed: "Amelia, you are a nice girl and there are many people that love you," she blushed, "but I can't love you as your boyfriend; you are only a friend for me and you are the Saylun princess, too. I'm sorry, I'd die to protect you but we are not intended to be together; too many things separate us."

Amelia fixed him hurt, her eyes crying but Zel came back to the camp don't adding a word. It's the best thing for she. I love her more than my proper life but she's too much beautiful, kind and sweet to chain her to a horrible freak as me. I'm really sorry Amelia; a day you will thank me. But he wasn't able to sleep that night with the sound of her muffled crying to pursue him.

The next day was destined to be sadly impressed in the mind of Zelgadiss. Amelia didn't hang to his arm but she walked silent. Lina asked persistently what was she happened but she limited to shake her head and continue to walking. When a group of bandits attacked them, a voice shouted: "Fireball!" after the others fled. Lina, Gourry and Zel looked her astonished. She cast the spell before to make her speech but why. Before they spoke Xelloss clapped from a high tree: "Good job, Amelia, you get rid of them in any time!" She smiled sadly to him and restarted to walk before they asked her motivations.

Lina passed in front of her: "Listen, I don't know what happened you but you'll tell me just now! Understand!"

Amelia observed her and with reasonable voice: "the bandits attacked us and I firebolled them; what's the problem?"

Lina become red: "The problem is, little princess..." she wasn't able completing the sentence because Amelia with eyes full of fury cried "Dill brando!" sending her some hundreds metres distant then continued towards Seagate that was now near. Lina decided wisely to let alone the princess, she rarely had seen that fury in the person's eyes.

When they arrived to Seagate the problems multiplied. Xelloss pulled down the Zel's hood frightening the people and the persons that recognised the princess flew often distant. The good temper of Amelia was lost and Lina asked the cause to herself. Gourry had declared, after lunch she seemed to Lina taking elbows from both. They decided to go outside to sleep in order to avoid further problems and Lina tried to speak with closest princess'friend Zelgadiss, alone.

"Zel, don't you think Amelia behaved strangely today?"

"Yes, but I don't know the cause", he lied.

"Are you sure, I noticed she didn't spoke you all the day. Have you disputed?"

"Not really, I'm sure she will be well in any time!" his previsions weren't destined to prove correct. Lina shrugged deciding to can't make anything in that question "If are you sure? Goodnight!" she wouldn't have made the baby-sitter for an erratic little girl.

The night took with it many aggressive mazokus frightening them a little. Amelia attacked recklessly giving the impression to don't think at her life. They tried to protect her but soon they were too much worried to defend themselves to shielding her. Amelia went forth and back, she didn't defend herself pleading silently the enemies to free her of a life she didn't wish anymore. They weren't able to comply her dying for her spells or for her friends' attacks. When the battle finished her friends seemed battered (apart Xelloss, he had killed his opponents and observed the show helping sometimes) but she was unharmed; She kneeled, covered her face with the hands and wept desperately, a sound that hurt her travelling companions more than the demons.

Xelloss appeared in front of her and with uncharacteristic kindness: "Amelia, I know you problem but trust me to kill yourself is not a good solution." She watched him with blurred eyes: "please, let me alone!" Xelloss smiled then he turned to Zel then

he went near him and teleported away with himself.

On a high hill

"Where are we, Xelloss?", Zel snarled

"In a calm place where we can speak" he was smiling

"I mustn't speak with you of anything, cursed mazoku!"

"I'm not sure! But the person that behave as a demon is you not me!"

"What do you mean?"

"I refer to your demeanour with Amelia, naturally"

"WHAT?" he seemed surprised "I'm not evil with her or other persons. I've simply said her I can't love her! Her is only a childish crush! It will pass with the time!"

Xelloss laughed. Zelgadiss had said the silliest thing he had ever heard and he was fully sure of his words. Zel watched him furious: "What have you got to laugh now?"

Xelloss recovered of his fit of laughing: "I've ever thought you was intelligent stone-boy but now..." he giggled.

"Now what?" Zel was rager than early for the nickname used by Xelloss.

"I think you are sillier than Gourry. He understood Lina loved him really and she has never said to him. Amelia told you she loved him in every way and you think to a simple crush! I'm sorry stone-boy but you don't risk the life for a simple crush! You don't choose between the entire life's behaviour and a simple crush! You don't try to kill yourself because the objet of a simple crush said you he doesn't love you!" He pointed everything smiling but there was an undercurrent of passion in his words. He wasn't playing and Zel understood that. He remained silent and Xelloss teleported him with himself to place where Amelia was crying yet. Zel felt his heart ripped apart while his same eyes became blurry: "Lina, Gourry, Xelloss let us alone please" They obliged.

He went near her: "Amelia"

She raised he bloodshot eyes to him. Her eyes became larger noting he was crying too.

"Amelia, listen me! I'm really sorry if I've hurt you! I love you more than my proper life but I can't stay with you!"

"Why?" her weak wavering voice sent a shiver in his body.

He sighed: "You are a princess, you mustn't love an hideous monster as me because you have some duties towards your people. I'm part demon, you know and I suffer Saylun, I feel weak there."

Amelia had stopped to cry as he spoke and when he finished she had a small mysterious and a little sad smile. "Is this the only obstacle?" she asked shyly. He wasn't able to make anything apart nod. "Well, I've only one option I see" she stood up. He watched her dumbfounded. She started to chant:

"I call upon me Ceifhied, God dragon
I call upon me Aqua, wisdom dragon
I call upon me Fiker, war dragon
I call upon me Erial, heart dragon
I call upon me Earthian, resolve dragon"

While she chanted her talismans shined blinded every present person.

I ask for the granted power to me
To be free by bond with Saylun
Realise my wish
I will pay the price
In name of ancient pact.

The light covered the princess and they heard a cry then the light faded. Amelia's body was to ground. Her talismans transformed in dust while they looked. Zel reached the girl that woke up and with a kind smile: "See, Zel! The solution was very simple. Now there are not any obstacle between us." He hugged her weeping but she was sleeping again.

The other went near them. Gourry, clueless as ever asked: "Lina, what did she mean?

Lina: "Boh! Xelloss, do you understand something?" He, ever smiling, nodded: "Well, Lina-chan! Amelia is not anymore a princess. Now her only valid links are that she has developed. Her family doesn't know she exists, she hasn't anymore a home but she remember her family and her house."

Zel whispered: "It has been a crazy thing. Now what can she do?"

Lina smiled sweetly: "She can stay with the boy she loves and her friends. Ah Zel! You hurt her again and I dragon slave you... to begin." But Zel didn't listen her. He limited to hug Amelia and he gave the impression to don't want her drop her anymore.


Well, this is finished! I think Amelia and Zel are a good pairing but I find difficult write about them. Xelloss is acting O.O.C. but he was the only that had the necessary experience to help. If Amelia limited to destroy every person that called her princess was Ok. for him but if she committed suicide he wasn't able to play anymore with her. Well, if you have comments write to
