Xelloss felt that laugh and smiled sadly, she was a child and he didn't like hurt her surprisingly. He knew he was playing a very dangerous game but he wasn't able permitting weakness spots to the girl he loved...
Yes he loved Amelia, not the justice freak... nope. That was only a mask to show to the world, he loved her and it was strange because he didn't know who she was, too.
There was silence in the room and he felt a calm then she called with a weak voice: "Xelloss".
She seemed uncertain as she didn't know if he would have answered to it, Xelloss phased him: "What do you wish Amelia-chan?"
"C...can... Can I have something to eat?"
Xelloss phased out when he heard an anguished cry: "XELLOSS!"
He run back and he found a feared and crying Amelia that hugged him so strong to cause him pain when she saw him: "Amelia?"
"Don't let me alone! Don't let me alone!"
Xelloss was ever cold but the anguished plea of Amelia touched part of him sleeping for centuries, he hugged strongly the little girl and whispered senseless sentences that want calm her.
She stopped to cry with the mazoku's arms around herand his voice speaking her then she kissed him... that action surprised both. In a little time she was passed from the rage to the fear to the joy to the fear again and now this. This strange feeling wanted her nearer to Xelloss as never before. She wanted stay with him as with anybody else in the world, maybe in the universe.
He was kissing her, how as she was water in the desert and this was for him. Her hands freed him from his cape and his dressed and they were naked one in front to the other.
Suddenly Xelloss blushed, he lived for centuries but he didn't know as act with that only girl he had loved: "Ehm, I'm not too much sure about this...!"
Amelia smiled sweetly to that ammission and discovered with her hands his body surer than him regards that thing only because she knew what she was following.
He knew what his body was feeling but it was different from any other times. It was something else but it was stronger than him and he surrended to its feelings and started to know with his hands and his lips every part of her. They didn't know as they reached the bed, it wasn't important. They were near eachother then Xelloss was in her. His body was shaken of her soft body, only a weak cry signaled the end of a Amelia's life. She felt completed as never before, something was ever missed in her and now she inderstood what. When he took her virgin body she was so lost in him than almost she didn't note it, she cried weakly then the passion transported both away...
A woman told while she was smoking: "I foresee problems!"
She was looking a strange couple in the arms of eachother, they were sleeping and there was peace on their faces.
Part 4 | Fanfiction