
Amelia observed Zelgadiss Greywers, her eyes were full of hate. The years were past, the Slayers traveled together and she wasn't able to forget he killed her mother.

The monster thought she forgot that, did he think that protecting her would have canceled his sins? He was wrong.

He thought she loved him! Oh yes, she put on a good show, the justice freak fallen in love for his savior but a day they would have traveled alone without Lina and Gourry and she would have avenge her mother.

She remembered the blood, the horror in the empty eyes of her mother and she remembered her killer but she didn't admit that with anybody.

Lina spoke: "Two temples! The cure for Zel is hidden in two different temples!"

Amelia saw her opportunity: "We can divide and will we see to... Atlas?", she looked the map to see a city to half distance from every temple.

"It's a good idea!"

She beamed happy to his praise and he smiled her softly... I'll destroy you, Zelgadiss Greywers

The travel continued calm, she fought bandits in name of the justice and sometimes Zel arrived to "save" her.

An evening they were near the temple: "We're almost arrived!"

"You'll be soon human, Zelgadiss-san!"

"I must thank you!"

"Every friend would do what I did!"... every enemy, too.

She remembered as she found that perfect occasion to kill him. She found many ways to cure him but she didn't want he became happy but she found that she decided it was perfect solution to kill him... the two twin temples: They would have divided the ways to do before and Lina would be with Gourry and Zel with her.

The temple was ancient and not very clean but the altar was clean and the book on the altar, too. Zel controlled for traps and magic, he found them and he disarmed them then he found the book and the ground started to tremble, the doors closed with a clang and a voice cried.

"What is it happening!? I was sure to have destroyed every traps!"

She shouted: "I don't know!"

Some strange creatures appeared: "You stole what is ours, you'll die for this!"

Zel: "Take this, Amelia!" he threw the book. She catched it and Zel worried to destroy the undead without particular problems. Then he turned towards her and she smiled: "I hope you enjoy to the show!"

Then she burned the book to the ashes...

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!", he cried and he attacked her but she helped the strike with a superhuman agility: "Who are you? Who's Amelia?"

She laughed: "This is too much rich. I'm Amelia!"

"It's false, Amelia is kind and warm hearted, you're worse than a mazoku!"

"I'm worse than a mazoku. I'm not the person that killed an innocent woman, with so much blood. You killed my mother... and my heart many years ago Zelgadiss Greywers!"

"So... you... remember"

"Yes and I'll kill you now. Lina can't stop me!"

"You're too much weak to kill me!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am!"

"Oh well, RA-TILT!"

Zel helped it and a terrible battle started. Amelia was ever a little too much fast and Zel was a chimera with its resistance and its fast. He felt sad, he understood her motives but he didn't want die, he wanted live and look for other cures, but he didn't want kill her. They were finished in a spiral without end, she attacked, he parried and attacked her without much strength. After one particularly powerful strike of Zel, Amelia smiled: "You're dead!" and disappeared.

Everything was silent, then he felt somebody cry and he understood he was shouting, he felt a great pain to his chest where Amelia stroke with superhuman violence. The hurt was mortal, he understood immediately that: "You're really a mazoku!"

She clapped, her hands full of his blood: "Only to kill you!"

"I'm sorry...!", he sighed.

She smiled and started to cast a spell that would have blocked the instant for Zelgadiss, forever.

Zel tossed out other blood, he continued to feel pain but why didn't he die?

A distant voice spoke: I blocked the instant. You feel this pain now, and you'll feel this forever. You are going to die forever

Zel would have cried but he wasn't able to do it: kill me! Kill me!

But Amelia was gone. She was a mazoku now and she had missions to do for her master.
