Gourry and the Magic Amulet Factory

Where the wonders never cease to amaze

"Gourry!You're supposed to deliver those papers an hour ago. People are complaining that they don't have their paper yet.What's going on?" The newspaper man yelled at the dense blond man.

"Oh..I forgot to deliver them..I'll go right now!" Gourry grabbed a stack of papers and left the room in a hurry. He came back several moments later. "Um..these all seem to be addressed to here."

"You jellyfish for brains! That's the mail,we deliver newspapers!You're fired!"

Gourry walked home silently wondering what he should do for another part time job. He paused to look at the huge stone gates he passed every single day he went downtown. Beyond the gates he could see a large manor, but he knew it was a factory, just plumb forgot what factory it was. A factory is a factory afterall. As he turned to walk away he noticed a tall woman dressed in skimpy-ish attire looking toward the gates. She turned to look at him and muttered softly.

"No one ever goes into that place..no one ever goes out..It's a demon's lair.Ohohohoho" She ran away. (Big points to those who guess who she is!) Gourry just stared dumbly and headed for home once more.

"I'm home! I lost my job. What's cooking Slyphiel?" He sniffed the pots. "Roast fish?" The dark haired woman smiled.

"Yes Gourry-darling. We're having roast fish.You'll find another job. Don't touch the pot next to it.It's soup for that poor blind man I found in the street." Slyphiel walked wearily to the purple haired man sitting on a large bed. "Is tomato soup alright Mister Rezo?"

"Oh it'd be delightful!" Rezo clasped his hands. He turned to the direction he heard Gourry. "Cheer up Gourry. It's not the end of the world. That reminds me..Did you hear of the contest Xellos Metallium has put up from his Amulet factory? They say he has 3 golden amulets up for this contest and if 3 lucky winners find it they get a tour of his factory and possibly win a very vaulable magic item. Isn't that something? I bought an amulet today with my peddling money. I can't see what color it is, but if it's gold I'll give it to you, you need a good cheering up." He hands Gourry an object in silver foil.(Rezo's out of character..oh no!)

Gourry walked over to Sylphiel to show her the gift he recieved. Slowly he unwrapped the amulet's silver foil. A glint of gold shined through. "Whoah..it's gold." Sure enough it was a golden amulet. "Rezo?Um.it's gold."

"Ooh..ok.Keep it. The deadline for this contest was tomorrow so see you got it just in time! However I may ask..If they give a piece of that philosopher's stone sell it to me."

"Okie Doke!" Gourry grinned. "Oh I've got a golden uh..amulet~!"

The next day was a big one for Gourry as he got dressed in his finest clothes. A new shirt and some decent slacks.(Hard to find nowadays). He stood outside the factory with 2 other people on the red velvet carpet. A large crowd surrounded them with envious glares. They were mostly sorcerers and sorceresses unable to obtain the luckiest golden amulet. Suddenly trumpets blared from within the stony gates. A door opened from the manorlike factory. A man dressed in purple walked out. He walked with a tall staff with a red orb on it. He floated over to the gate and opened it.

"Where are my fantabulous contest winners with the golden amulet?" Xellos Metallium asked as he tipped his tall purple tophat. The other 2 winners stepped forward and Gourry stepped up too after another silence. "Excellent! Introduce yourselves."

The redhaired girl stepped up to Xellos' face, "I'm Lina Inverse." A low murmer rose around the crowds.

"Isn't that the 'Bandit Killer' Lina Inverse?" cried a sorcerer.

"Naaw couldn't be!" and this went on for a while until Lina fireballed them all.

"Ah..fiesty! And you my dear?" Xellos looked at the short black haired girl standing next to her.

"Ameria Wil Telsa Sailoon, protector of justice!" Ameria smiled.

"Ah..ok.." Xellos sweatdropped. "Well who're you?" He asked Gourry.

" I'm Gourry Gabriev. um..Am I in the right place?" Gourry asked as he handed Xellos the golden amulet.

"Yes of course. Now will you all come with me?" Xellos waltzed back to his manorlike factory which loomed ahead. As they all stepped inside they saw the entrance was..well..poor looking which dust and cobwebs over creaky floorboards.

"Woah..this place is a dump!" Ameria shouted.

"This place is not a dump. It just has to look nice on the outside..could use a spit shine on the inside though." Xellos winked. "Just come along now." He opened the door and the rest followed him in. It was a beautiful room which looked like a small garden made with magical amulets.

"Yowza!The jackpot!" Lina cried. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed something. "What are those funny little men?" Sure enough there were little blue men chipping with flint and adding charms to amulets.

"You like them? They're my Zelgadis-dalumpdas." Xellos smiled. "I call them Zel for short. Don't you think they're cute?" He walked over and hugged one. The one being hugged got a nasty look in their eye and shouted a Ra-Tilt at Xellos. "They're a bit on the rambuncious side."

"They're kinda cute.I want one." Ameria shouted as the little Zelgadis-dalumpdas got in a little line and linked arms.

"They're not for sale. I cloned them from a young man who was very much in debt with me as I changed him back from his chimera form. He was a bit moody too." Xellos replied smugly.

"Look they look as though they're about to sing!" Everyone's attention focused on the mini chimera clones as they formed the little line. "One!" shouted the one at the end of the line. "Two!" Shouted another. "Three!" Shouted yet another. "Drop!" They all shouted as they dropped their pants and perceded to moon the guests. "Sing my ass!" They shouted.

"I taught them that myself." Xellos grinned.

"Alright will you all please join me on a sea-faring cruise?" Xelloss Metallium opened his eyes and gazed lovingly at his contest winners as he stepped aboard a long gondola. "Zels, if you would be so kind?" The Zelgadis-dalumpdas pulled up their pants and two of them got on board and pulled out paddles and put on tiny lifejackets.

Lina stepped on the gondola and tried to see the 'water' to question its clarity. To her surprise, it was not water at all, but liquid nitrogen. "Holy shit!" She cried as she clung to the sides of the boat."Levitation!" She cried and waited for the spell to carry her up out of this danger,but nothing happened. "What?!?" She screeched and began jumping frantically on the gondola as she realized.. "Xelloss! You did this didn't you?" She looked at him with an accusing glare.

"Not me persay, my dear. I had my darling Zelgadis-dalumpdas place an amulet above the door to suck up your magical powers." A gasp came from Ameria. " Don't worry, I'll give them back after this tour. I mean all that destructive magic and what would it do to the merchandise? Turn it negative and useless. You understand the percautions don't you? It was written on the golden amulet."

Instantly Lina and Ameria looked at their golden amulets. "I don't see it on here." Lina growled.

"Look closer." Xelloss pulled out a magnifying spectacle and enlarged a small intricate design on the golden amulets. "As you start the tour, your magic powers(if any) will be confiscated into a crystal ball until the tour ends. So this means no socerery." Xelloss cleared his throat. "As you can see, I'm standing on a legal standpoint."

"Pshaw" murmered a Zelgadis-dalumpda.

"Quiet you..or else I'm gonna have to have a special mini chimera to sleep with me tonight..."

"I'm zipped to the extreme." With that the Zelgadis-dalumpda was silent.

"Now let's carry on shall we my friends?" Xelloss allowed everyone to get on the gondolas as they rowed a few yards down Xelloss commenced the mini chimeras to stop. "Here we are!" He hopped out of the boat onto a spot which was within walking distance from the little port where they got on the boat.

"We could've walked couldn't we?" Gourry asked blindly. Ameria and Lina nodded in unison.

"Now now, Can we please go to the Oriharicon hut in peace? I give you children a pleasant tour or my factory and what do you do? Complain complain complain!" Xelloss surpressed a tear. A Zelgadis-dalumpa gave him a hanky. "Thank you." He blew his nose.

"Brown-noser!" The Zelgadis-dalumpdas murmered amongst each other about the one that gave Xelloss the hanky.

"All I wanted was to make sorcery easy for the common folk. Is that too much to ask?" Xelloss sat down.

"There there." Gourry patted Xelloss on the back. "Nothing's too much to ask if you have ambition."

"You're right!You're so right! Gourry wassit? We connect on the same level of thinking!"(How scary.) Xelloss took Gourry's hand. "I've decided then.Decided!"

"To give up the rare amulet?" Lina got a hungry look in her eye.

"Yes and no." Xelloss pulled out something from his pocket. "This is the sword of light." Several Oohs and Aahs followed. "It could kill a demon easily,legends say it killed the beast Zanafar." He handed it to Gourry. "I think I can trust you with it. And for the rest of you..." He reached into a small bag and pulled out a folder. "Here are a few photocopies of the Claire Bible..." Lina reached for it. "Which I'm not going to give to you." He handed them to a Zelgadis-dalumpda (The one that gave him the hanky) "Put this in an incinerator will you? Good boy." It scampered off. Xelloss reached in further in the small bag and revealed a lovely tailsman. "To ward off black magic,Ameria you get this." Ameria looked dumbfounded. Xelloss reached into his tophat and pulled out (a bunny!) a small statue(Awww, I was close though!). "For Lina you get this lovely Oriharicon statue as a keepsake.Oh and I've released your powers from the amulet.So you're all free to go as your full powers are there now."

"A statue?! After spending my 200 silver pieces on 4 amulets and I get a freakening statue I could've robbed off some bandit?!" Lina gritted her teeth. She grabbed the statue.

"Yes show some grattitude." Xelloss frowned. "I'll lead you out of the factory now. I'll say it has not been a pleasant experience. Goodbye!"

"Pleasant experience?!? I'll show you pleasant experience! Tasogare yori kurakimono, shi no nagare yori akaki mono, toki no nagere ni uzumoreshi, idai na nanji no na ni oite, ware koko ni yami ni chikawan, ware ga mae ni tachi fusagareshi, subeteno oroka naru mono ni ware to naji ga chikara no te, hitoshiku horobi o tsusaen koto!...." She looked right at Xelloss. "DORAGU SUREBU!"

In a matter of minutes the humble and cutesy factory that was the Magic Amulet factory was no more. Where it used to be stood now a large crater where Lina Inverse,Gourry Gabriev, Ameria Wil Telsa Sailoon, Xellos Metallium, and the Zelgadis-dalumpas looked at one another with a quaint glare.

"I guess I went a little overboard.." Lina shrugged. She looked at the statue which was still in her posession. "Oh well. I feel much better now. I think I'll go roam the countryside now. Hey you.Gourry right?" Gourry nodded. "Wanna come along?"

"Ok I've got nothing better to do." He joined Lina.

"Can I come too?" Ameria squeaked.

"Ok heck whynot?" Lina replied and the three left Xelloss in the pile of rubble with the Zelgadis-dalumpdas.

Xelloss looked at his mini chimeras. "Well I guess we need to start all over again." They walked hand in hand to the nearest timber yard to get some wood to rebuild their lovely factory. They finished the reconstruction 10 years later only to have it torn down by the city board of health who deemed it unfit for the Zelgadis-dalumpdas to live and work. So Xelloss filed chapter 10 bankruptcy and eventually met up with Lina, Gourry, and Ameria (Whom forgotten the entire adventure) in a coffee house in the suburbs. He was very surprised to find that Gourry and Ameria had gotten married with 11 children and that Gourry's first wife Sylphiel had married a blind priest named Rezo. He was even more surprised to see that Lina had married an escaped Zelgadis-dalumpda or so he thought, it turned out to be the original young man in which he cloned to make the Zelgadis-dalumpdas (He makes her happy! :). It was during this time Xelloss Metallium decided to create a wonderful flying circus with his remaining Zelgadis-dalumpdas (the rest died off from major caffeine overdose) and once again retrieved his fortune. And they all lived happily ever after. The End.
