Part 3

Filia sat down exhausted from the quick run. However, Zel was not.


"I'm sorry, but I needed more bids so the auction would last longer." she retorted, blushing.

"Well, can you at least go out and get me new clothes, those were my only ones."

"I can't," Filia interjected, "we don't want to be noticed so soon after running out of an auction. Those women looked like they were going to lynch me. That's why we levitated up to our room. I didn't want anyone to know who was in here. I'll get you some clothes in the morning......Here, take my cloak to cover up."

Filia blushed as she had to turn to Zel and hand him her cloak. She was having to keep control, so she wouldn't make a fool of herself. It wasn't everyday that she had a naked man in her room. Filia wished again, that they could have separate rooms. However, it would have been odd to get their "slaves" their own room, so they had to stay with their "masters". Filia sighed, taking of her boots, preparing to go to bed.

However, Zelgadiss was not placated. "I told you, I WOULD MAKE YOU PAY," and with that Zel bolted forward and grabbed the collar of her dress......


Filia was now standing in nothing but her undergarments. She quickly tried to cover herself. Then, opted to remove her mace still attached to her garter and swing it at Zel.


Zelgadiss easily jumped out of the way of the swinging mace, chuckling. "O.K., let's have some fun," and with that started to lunge toward Filia trying to get a hook on one of her undergarments. He would dodge in, she'd swing, he'd jump out, and he'd dodge in again. After several attempts, Zel hooked his fingers through her bra.........


Filia felt herself fall out of her bra and instinctually tried to cover herself by wrapping her arms around her chest, "Hentai," she screamed.

Zel laughed and took the opportunity to dodge in and hook her panties.


Now, Filia was mad. The naked Dragon maiden charged the chimera, swinging her mace. Zel just kept dodging the blows and eventually landed on the bed.


Zel could hear the bed give a little under his heavy weight and looked up, just in time to see Filia come flying to land on the bed.

"Ah, Filia, maybe that's not such a good idea. I don't think the bed......"

Filia landed on the bed with a resounding boom, and the bed went........


Part 4   |   Fanfiction