Even a month later, it still didn't make sense. These magic circles that Xelloss had drawn to keep out Shabranigdo made no sense. Zelgadiss figured that the first step in getting Shabranigdo out of his body was to find a good way to contain him, but these circles, they... just totally blew him away. What kind of a madman drew circles like this?
As if on cue, Xelloss appeared and held his hand in Zelgadiss's face.
"What is it now, Bastard?"
"The circles. I'm afraid that I can't let you see them."
"Yes, well, that's too bad."
"I'm just going to have to take them from you, you know. Come on! Don't be such a sourpuss!"
"Sour...puss?", Zelgadiss said, rising to his feet and grabbing Xelloss by his shirt. "Sour..puss? You say that you're going to help rid me of this monstrous form, just to ressurect Shabranigdo?! I'm going to kick your ass if you don't start leaving me alone."
"Sure! Lets fight! To make it fair, I'll use only my teeth!", Xelloss exclaimed. Instantly, he lunged at Zelgadiss's head, mouth flailing open. Zel ducked, leaving Xel with a mouth full of spiky hair.
Zelgadiss stared at Xelloss strangely for a second, then, sensing an opportunity, flung a fist at his solar plexus.
Of course, the fist ended up flying through thin air, as Xelloss had teleported away with the circle diagram, but Zel expected that.
So Zel sat down, got out his second copy out of 532, and kept studying.