Episode 2: To Kallytin or Bust!!

Hey! Alisa Luna Inverse-Gabrive swordwoman in training here! You can just call me Lacy for short. Some crazy things have been happenin' here! First this jerk in a black robe totally turns Uncle Zel's lab upside down, then we come to find out that he might have our moms and dads held prisoners! Hold up, wait a minute! Weren't they supposed to be in Kallytin? Auntie Syphiel you gotta lot of explain to do!

Syphiel: No! No! And NO!!

Lacy: Please Auntie you havta! You gotta let us do this!!

It had already been 2 days after the kids had found the mysterious man that, as there Auntie put it "claim" to have their parents. The children had taken a vote and descide to go to Kallytin and see for themselves that their parents were all right. But Syphiel had other ideas......

Syphiel: You are staying right here in Sailoon and that is final!! I will not have you four running around getting yourselves killed!! You're too important. To your parents and to Me.

Zelda: But aren't they important too? You said yourself that they were supposed to return long ago. But where are they now!?

Amree: Yeah it's up to us to save them in the Name of Justice!

Syphiel: No! You are only eleven years old!

Griffen: But wasn't Mommy our age when she started to travel?

Lacy: Yep! She was out there kickin' some bandit a -

Syphiel: Lacy!!

Lacy: Sorry it slipped. But still I'm right!

Sypheil: I said no! Now it's late so go to bed you four and no more talk of this.

Lacy: This is so not fair!

The young girl reluctantly walks out the room to bed followed by her brother and companions. When they close the door they don't know heart break their Auntie is feeling.

Syphiel: whispter I 've already lost your father...I don't want to lose you too..



Zelda: What? Who's there?

The princess slowly rolls out of bed and head for the sound at her window. She wonder who could be out there at this late hour. When she finds out she isn't suprised.

Zelda: Lacy what are you doing out there?

Lacy: Makin' a break for it. Your brother is puting a Sleeping spell on the guards and we're gonna go find our moms and dads. Wanna come?

Zelda: But Auntie said -

Lacy: It doesn't matter what Auntie said! We've got money and we've magic! There's nothin' we can't do! So are you comin' or not?

Zelda: Well....OK. Just let me get dressed first

The princess went to change her clothes as Lacy Levitated from the window to meet the others by the city's gates. She still wasn't sure about this. After all this was at least her first real adventure and she only just turned eleven. But............

Zelda: whispters to herself I can't sit here while my parents are in danger!

Making sure her broche is fixed on tight, she takes one last look at her familiar life and Ray Wings out of the window.

Meanwhile a familiar stranger stands unually balanced on a flag pole in the Sailoon court yard watching the daring scene. He chuckles to himself as the night wind blows around him and the full moon reflects brightly off of his shiney shoulder-lenth purple hair.

Stranger: This is gonna be fun............

Episode 3   |   Fanfiction