He was aging. It was no longer deniable. The aches, the pains, the blurry vision, all of the symptoms of growing senility were there. He, the mighty ruler of multitudes of star systems, was growing old. And he hated it. There was no reason for him to be growing old! There were still countless planets left to be conquered, women to be ruined, and slaves to torture. There had to be a way to prevent it, to turn back the hands of time.
That was why he searched in here, in the endless dusty and ancient tomes of the Doom library, and avoiding the witch, Haggar. He knew his obssession was a weakness when it came to her, and if she found out, she would use it against him. Many a time he had thought he had found his answer, only to find that he had destroyed said chance himself, when he was young and had first conquered that planet.
But here was a new world ... listed within the explorations of a young man, a long, long time ago. A world, it seemed, that had magic to rival old Haggar's! Maybe, magic strong enough to make him young again ...