Arvis's panicked voice rang out over the bridge of the starship. "My lord! The helm is not responding!"
"What?!" Lotor threw the wine goblet away, causing it to shatter upon a nearby wall.
"All power levels are fading fast! But there is no deteriation of the ship's course!"
Janfyld yelled out from his position in the main pilot's seat. "Course is changing! We are now heading for a large peninsula off the main continent."
"Life support is still functioning at optimum efficiency, but controls are not responding!" Lotor leaned back in his chair, a look of resignation slowly growing on his face. And of growing interest as well. "Well, then we'll just have to wait and see, then, won't we?"
"Hey, Zel, what do you think that is?" Lina pointed up at something high in the sky, pushing her red hair from her forehead. Zelgadis looked up, spotting a black speck racing through the sky ... it seemed to be heading in the direction of the Ruins of Sairaag, both the old and the second city to have held that name. A new city had been built a little south of the ruins, and was often called 'New Sairaag' or 'Sairaag 3' and other such things.
Zel thought a bit, then shrugged. "I have absolutely no idea."
"The Lions aren't responding! And we're losing Lotor's ship!" Lance slammed his fist down upon the control panel
"Who cares about Lotor's ship?! What's going to happen to us??" Hunk snarled, worry growing on his face.
"According to the viewscreens, we're heading for that mountain range on the main continent, just before that peninsula starts." Pidge butted in, his voice, while afraid, held a note of curiousity in it. "I wonder, they seem to have a definite goal in mind."