"You know that's why this Lina girl doesn't like ya! Your such a stick in the mud, and here I am trying to help you out. This could take a little longer then I thought." Bean said as seriously as he could while sipping from a miniature mug in his paws, mimicking the stoic figure before him.
Zelgadis was trying his best to ignore his little companion but it was hard. Setting his own mug down in frustration he looked at the little beast "I have a feeling you won't go away until you've done your little good will project?"
"Yep that's about the whole of it" Bean smirked as Zel placed his head in his hands. "Geesh the way your acting one would think that you didn't want me around! Cheer up with me around how can you go wrong?"
"You really want me to answer that?"
"No not really!" placing his mug clumsily on the table he flapped his little batty wings. "Come on lets get some sleep, I'm tired cant ya tell!" swinging too and fro in mid-air the little animal waited for Zel to stand.
Zelgadis pulled his hood more closely about his face as his companion continued to bring more attention to him. Not even gracing Bean with an answer he moved his way to the stairs that led to his room.
Bean flapped his way into the room before Zel could get the notion of locking him out. Dropping onto the bed with a loud sigh he rolled to his back and began rubbing his tummy in satisfaction.
Zelgadis shut his door with a sigh; this was going to be a long trip. Bean as he liked to be called had consumed half the menu courtesy of Zelgadis, then had proceeded to drink cup after cup of coffee declaring loudly that he liked the stuff. The corner of his lips twitched up as he watched the little creature rub his rounded belly. Drawing off his cloak he set that along with his belt and gloves on a nearby chair. Stepping out of his shoes he moved towards the bed. Picking up Bean by the scruff of his neck he dropped him unceremoniously onto the floor.
Bean let out an undignified squeak as he landed hard on his rump. "Hey what was that for!" bouncing back to his feet he lashed his tail around threateningly.
"No animal is going to sleep with me" with that said Zel crawled in between the sheets and rolled over to get some sleep.
Bean sat on the cold floor and shivered, what a jerk no wonder he cant get a girl. Fine who needs him...and that nice warm bed.
Later that night Zel awoke to the night sounds, rolling over he noticed the lump shivering on the floor. He would not feel guilty; the annoying pest was the one who wanted to follow him. "Fine" this was said in resignation as he leaned down and picked up the little creature from the floor. Holding Bean in his arms he placed him slightly under the covers next himself. Settling himself back into bed he closed his eyes and went back to sleep.
Bean meanwhile curled up beneath the covers, peeking from beneath underneath he gave a satisfied grin. He wasn't such a lost cause after all.
Zelgadis awoke to the sound loud chewing; rolling over he brought his pillow over his head. The sound continued though working it's way beneath his pillow like the pesky persistent buzz of an insect. Sitting up he turned and threw his pillow at the pest in general. He watched with mild satisfaction as Bean plummeted to the floor from his precarious position on the back of a nearby chair.
"Ahhhh! My spleen!" Bean wailed piteously from his position on the floor.
"It would be too much to ask for you to break your jaw so I wouldn't have to hear your incessant chatter" Zel sat up swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. Stretching he took note of Beans' twitching form. "You deserved it. What are you eating anyway?"
"That's what I wanted to tell you! That Lina girl is in town, I saw her and two others sitting in a pub eating breakfast...and I happened to grab a little something while I was there" bouncing back up smartly he flapped his wings and flew over to Zel's discarded pack.
Zel watched the diminutive figure dig through his pack "What are you doing?"
"Trying to find something suitable for you to wear that's what!" Beans' voice was slightly muffled, as he was currently half in the pack and half out, his hind legs kicking to and fro as he searched. "Nothing else besides these drab clothes! I guess it can't be helped" Bean began tossing Random things to the floor.
Standing Zel strolled to his bag and causally pushed Bean all the way inside, snapping the bag shut he preceded to get dressed amid the threats and insults shooting from the interior of his bag.
A few moments later found Zel walking from the Inn towards the pub that Bean had been talking about. As he walked he made sure he jostled his pack around, he was satisfied that his efforts weren't in vain as muffled curses met his ears. So Lina was back hmmm...it had been two months since that day on the road when he had semi confessed his feelings for her. Shortly afterwards he had split from the group, saying that he had a lead for his cure. He had left rather abruptly, and he hadn't missed the confused look on her face. Reaching the pub he pressed open the door and was immediately assaulted with the sounds of battle...in other words Lina and the rest still eating breakfast.
Amelia was the first to catch site of him "Mr. Zelgadis! Your back!" it seemed as if she were about to jump up and glomp him but she restrained herself and kept herself seated. Zel raised an eyebrow as he casually pulled up a seat next to Lina.
"Hey Zel! Figured you'd show up sooner or later" Lina continued on with her meal not even bothering to give him a second look. It figured anything that bothered, upset, or confused Lina was always ignored or pushed back to the farthest reaches of her mind. Zel thanked the waitress as she handed him a steaming cup of coffee, lifting the mug to his lips he prepared to take a sip.
"I smell coffee! Let me out!"
Zel cursed the annoying little creature, he should have never allowed him try any the first time. He opened the bag and let Bean out, who immediately upon freedom smacked the nearest waitress's bottom and demanded a cup of the good stuff be brought to him. Zel hid his face behind his hands as the waitress huffed and stomped away.
"Ano Zel what is that, it's so cute!" Lina who had finished eating, picked up the ultra cute creature and began to play with his floppy ears. "Ohhh aren't you a cutey!"
"Ohh let me see Ms. Lina!" Amelia joined Lina as they began to coo over Bean.
Zel ground his teeth together, he would not get jealous over a stupid animal.
"Ne Zel why's steam coming from your ears like that?" Gourry cringed as he Zel turned his eyes upon him. "Never mind"
Bean twitched his whiskers happily "Now, now ladies plenty of the old Bean to go around." He leaned back and allowed Lina to rub his belly. She really was a cute girl with her red eyes sparkling like that.
Zel was beginning to twitch now, Bean was saved from meeting his sword however when a miniature size cup off coffee was brought to the table. "Oh Bean your drink is here!"
Beans eyes widened with a manic gleam as he broke from the girls embrace and picked up his mug and began to chug.
"Ohhh that is so cute!" Amelia watched the little animal drink from his small cup.
"So Zel how have you been?" this came from Lina who had turned her attention back to Zel.
"Same old same old. Nothing new except for Bean here" Zel pointed to the creature that now had several empty mini mugs lying alongside of him.
"That's good" she looked as if she were about to say something else but stopped.
"So what are you guys doing in Median?" Zel kept his normal cool mask up, if Lina was willing to forget then so was he.
"We heard of a treasure horde located somewhere near this town!" Lina's eyes shone bright as she was suddenly in her own little world.
Sighing Zelgadis guessed that things were turning back to normal until he noted the evil glint in Beans eye.
This is perfect! Getting you guys together is going to be a little harder then I thought...no problem though! Hahaha the cat laughed mentally as he sent his thoughts over to the brooding chimera.
Part 3 | Fanfiction