Slayers Scramblers


Unscramble the letters of as many puzzles as you can, using the provided clues, which I've arranged from easiest to hardest. When you're done, send your answers in to Nangke! Use that addy also to whine and beg for the answers, if you give up. ^_~ But I hope you won't.


Each word begins with "C".

1) xpoonmliec : In Zelgadis' mind, his greatest affliction.

2) yusronec : Why Lina rarely uses golem spells, she wants to be this. (As if calling herself a "beautiful sorcery genius" isn't enough. ^_-)

3) uroiffec : The most striking similarity between Zel and Amelia.

4) srroiec : Okay, so this isn't REALLY what Rezo's staff is called, but it's close. Being a Red Priest is at least as good as being a bishop or an abbot.

5) ytrlieec : One of the abilities bestowed upon Zel when he became a chimera.

6) yutpiidc : More in the first season and the Special series, Lina does quite a lot to satisfy this urge. No, it doesn't have anything to do with food.

7) trliecc : One of the few things that Naga wears.

8) vtsliieca : Why Vrumugun keeps his head covered up most of the time.

9) yrnihecca : The catch-all word that describes what Xelloss concerns himself with, particularly in NEXT.

10) uttqoeec : Grr, what Multina acts like around my Xelloss-sama...

That's it, Good luck!
- Nangke
Temple of Enigma: Xelloss no Miko
