Part 2

She should be insulted in some way, she supposed. But a human like her should appreciate all the breaks in life she could get.

She moved slowly towards him, a sinister smile on her face.

"My Lord... I do believe the party is over." She reached for his jacket lapels. He almost stepped back, as she came around his back to remove his jacket.

"Lina." He turned to look at her. "I didn't come here for this."

"That's where I disagree." She stepped closer and he backed away. "Zelgadis, my lord...please..." Her imploring ruby eyes were too much fo rhim. He gently took her face in his hands, and she closed her eyes, nuzzling his palms.


"Hmm?" She hummed blissfully.

"Stop pretending."

"What do you mean, my Lord?" She questioned innocently.

"I know you don't love me. You couldn't possibly. What do you know about me?"

I could say the same. Lina's face soured as he released her. She recovered in an instant, putting on the vulnerable face 2nd nature to her, after years of practice. "I could try..." She held out her hand timidly to him.

Zelgadis Greywiers put on his own well-rehearsed mask, this one of cold and steely. He stood firm against her. His face indifferent, but underliningly annoyed. He stared down at the harem girl playing the innocent affectionate one, when 2 hours ago, he had seen her match witts with elven lords. Of course, she's always be sure to downplay herself; ending her comments with self-doubt, and an act of ignorance. Yes...just the pretty little thing only trying to be more for their ammusement... So transparent. At least to Zelgadis.

"I think you should get some sleep." He caught the moment when astonishment, anger, and frustration hit her all at once in his statement. Of course, she quickly covered it up.

"Thank you for your concern, My Lord." She turned her head slightly, feigning a blush.

She is beautiful... Zelgadis allowed himself to muse, as her studying eyes were averted from him. "Good night, My Lady." He resisted the urge to kiss her hand, and simply shut the door behind him.

Lina grinded her teeth.

Damn! She stomped her foot. How could that not work?! She plopped donw on a chair and thought. Let's see....shy, already totally in love with me...wants love more than sex...hmmmm... She was underestimating him, she realized. There was some real intelligence and self control behind that love-struck lord. His shyness should have made him very compliant with her subtle commands. She made sure to go slowly and not scare him off. She made sure to keep herself in control, making only statements, and never asking questions of him. She could have sworn she never gave him the opportunity to make his own decisions in the situation. And when that didn't work, his infatuation should have blinded him. Her act of willingness to be his ideal love, ALWAYS worked with such cases. But him... Maybe she just didn't know what his ideal was? He must be very different, to not be attracted to the general formula for an ideal lover... Lina leaned her elbow on the armrest. Then the solution: She would just have to learn more about this Zelgadis Greywiers...

Part 3   |   Fanfiction