Episode One

::The crowd screams (from laughter, fear, or insanity is anyone's guess) as Vile saunters on to the stage, wearing a fancy purple tuxedo... and his helmet::

Vile: Welcome to Vile-Kun's Love Connection! I am your host, the master of LOOOOVE... Vile!

Audience: BOOOOOOOOO!!!

Vile: Anyway... let me introduce you to my lovely quest... X!

X: ::looks around, startled, as he's tied to a chair and gagged:: o.o;;;

Vile: It's a PLEASURE to have you, X! ^_^

X: ... ...

Vile: The pleasure's all yours, I'm sure. ::jumps in to X's lap and sits there:: ^_^

X: ::freaked look:: ...

Vile: ::kicks his feet, sitting on X's lap:: So, X! Tell me! When did you find out you loved me?

X: ...!?! ::URF?!?!::

Vile: Really? When you first saw me in my magnificent mecha?!

X: ::shakes his head, scowling through the gag:: ::MRF!!!!::

Vile: I know... I was so manly and full of testosterone while sitting in that mecha! ::cackle::

::The audience groans::

X: ... ... o.o;;

Vile: OH! ... and in case you're wondering... ^_^ No, the size of the mecha wasn't to compensate for anything. Heh heh heh.

X: ... ... ... . o o { Help me...}

Vile: So then, X! ::leans close, straddling the captive reploid:: How does it feel? Do I make you horny, baby? ^_^

X: ... ;_;

Vile: Heh heh heh. ^_^

::Suddenly, Roll peers on stage::

Roll: Um...? I thought you were going to interview him, not screw him on camera.

X: ... !?!?!

::The audience gasps::

Vile: ROLL!? What are YOU doing here!? This is a yaoi mailing list!

Roll: ... I'm the producer of this show, damn it. I can be here if I want to!

Vile: ... why would you produce a yaoi show?

Roll: ... because I'm a young girl with rampaging hormones! Now shut your pie hole!

Vile: ... fair enough.

Roll: Now are you going to answer my question!?

Vile: ::saucy grin as he traces hearts on X's cheek:: I thought you liked this stuff!

X: ::twitchtwitch::

Roll: ... I refuse to visualize you naked.

Vile: Then why did you hiiire me?

Roll: I was drunk at the time.

Vile: ... Ahhhh, the wonders of alcohol. ::grins at X:: I bet you'd like it if I licked alcohol off of your hot... sweaty... NAKED body... hmmm?

X: .... ::sweatdrop::

Roll: ... if it was anyone but you, I'd pay to see that. Get off him and ask him some damn questions!

Vile: Get him off?


Vile: ... do I have to?

Roll: ... do you want me to use a can opener to cut off your --

Vile: ...::jumps off of X's lap:: Damn you, evil woman, for denying me my love! ::sits down, huffy, in his little host desk, shaped like a heart::

Roll: ::mutters as she walks off stage:: Oye...

Vile: ::muttermutter:: Thanks SO MUCH for ruining my first episode, you nasty tra -- ::sees Roll glare at him:: er... lovely producer. ... so I'll just ask you some questions.

X: ...?

Vile: Are you gay? ^_^

X: ... ... ::sweatdrop::

Vile: Do you like porno? ^_^

X: ... ... o.o

Vile: Is Zero a stupid bastard or what?

X: -- !!

Vile: NOTHING'S going on between you, right?

X: ... ... o.o;;;;;;;;;

Vile: HEH! As if that pony tail bastard with artifical boobs on his armor would ever have a chance with YOU... eh, my little dumpling?

X: ....................................

Vile: ... this is truly a one sided interview... I guess it's because you're gagged, eh?

X: ... ::glare::

Vile: Well, it's to be expected... I mean, I did kidnap you.

::The audience gasps!::

Vile: How else would I get him on the show!? He's so shy... it's PRECIOUS! ^_^

X: ... ::rf:: >.<

Vile: Since talking is done... and this IS the LOVE CONNECTION... what say you and I... er... ... get to the good stuff? ^_^

X: ... . o O {... waaah...}

Vile: Don't worry about that producer of ours... the nasty Roll... she's off getting drunk to get rid of images of me naked. ^_^

::The audience makes gagging noises::

Vile: So... it's just... ::crouches like a panther on his desk:: You... ... and.... .... me...

X: O.O;;;;;;;;

::Vile makes to lunge, but misjudges the distance and accidentally falls, face first, on to the floor with a loud CLANK!::

Vile: ... OW!!

X: ::looks around quickly, then bounces away, chair and all::

Vile: ::gets up:: That hurt... even through the helmet! ... X? ::looks around:: X?! Where are you, love muffin?

::X is long gone; so's the auidence::

Vile: ... well, damn it!

::Vile glances about and notices Roll, passed out and plastered off stage::

Vile: ... bleh... well, the first episode was a bust but... we'll just try again! ... I'll just use cement blocks next time.

::Vile glances about, then grins at the camera, looking oh-so-sexy despite the large dent in his helmet covered by a Minnie Mouse bandaid::

Vile: ... that ends this episode of Vile-Kun's Love Connection... despite the fact I didn't get any... ::grumble:: I'll see you next time... and hopefully with another bishie!

Episode 2   |   Fanfiction