Mystix The Ellimist
- A Prince's Hand ...
Well, here it is, the first Lina/Prince Phil I've written. It's kind of
bad, and Lina's a bit OOC, but I wrote it anyways! I don't know why it's called a Prince's
hand, it just sounded neat. Again, it's a Lina/Prine Phil, but there's no lemony stuff. I'm
not THAT dirty....ew....
- Untitled
This fic is probably extremely out of character. There is no, I repeat
NO evidence actually supporting this story. It is a Lina/Phil fic (heehee, loved the one by
Mystix!!) And some how I managed to make it all serious. pout Just one of these
days, I'll write a full comedy. Oh, wait, I'm boring you aren't I? Here's the fic!!
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