The archive of fanfiction on this site. The reason this site exists in the first place.
- Slayers@Fan.Fic
-- Over 1000 Slayers fics divided into six pages
-- Cross-Reference; all fics posted have
been referenced by genre, setting, format, etc. for easy access
-- Update Log; Shows the recent additions to
- My Stuff
-- i exist; this is my own personal little
page in this website, with all my fics, fanart, etc.
- Anime@Fan.Fic
-- Anime fics posted here that aren't Slayers fics
-- Ebony on Ivory; direct link to the
fanfiction archive on White June. These are Weiss Kruez Yaoi fics.
-- Revolving Refraction; direct link to the
fanfiction archive on Smoking Mirror. These are Final Fantasy VII fics.
-- Internal Files; direct link to the
fanfiction archive on Ghost in the Machine. These are Rockman/X/Dash/EXE fics.
- Non.Anime@Fan.Fic
-- Fanfiction on series/books/etc. that aren't
anime/game/manga related.
- Original@Fan.Fic
-- original fiction
Smoking Mirror
For all you Final Fantasy VII fans: My Shinra fanpage! ^^ With sub focus of the yaoi
couple Reno x Rufus. =9
- Hide the Truth
-- The character profile page, not up yet.
- Tell the Lies
-- The character theory page, not up yet.
- Revolving Refraction
-- Shinra (and some non-Shinra) based fanfiction.
Quite a heavy dose of yaoi here, so wanderers beware.
- Shattered Glass
-- Shinra (and some non-Shinra) based fanart.
Some yaoi-ish, but what can you expect from a page run my me?
- Troubled Waters
-- Gossip. ^__^ Make up all sorts of lies about your
favorite execs~!
- Principles of Lust
-- My 'lil Reno x Rufus shrine. Not up yet, sadly.
- One-Way Mirror
-- Links, links, links. ^_^
White June
The Weiss Kruez Yaoi fan site created by Ruaki way back when the fandom was still young
and remarkably yaoi-less. ^_^ When she decided to end the page I picked it up from her.
- Ebony on Ivory
-- Da fanfiction, baby. The blood and bones of all
my websites is the fanfiction. What can I say? Nearly all yaoi.
- Shadow's Light
-- Plenty yummy fanart of our favorite Weiss and
Schwarz boyz. Plenty yaoi too, of course.
- Chiseled Vellum
-- Scans of some of the Weiss doujinshi I own or have
- Fascination with the Dark
-- My little shrine to Schwarz. Not up yet.
- Ruby Wall
-- Links, links, links. ^_^
- Ashes to Ashes
-- All sorts of oddball things, like blurbs, mailing
lists, and email hosters.
Ghost in the Machine
I wanted to do this for a while and finally got off my buns and did something about it.
A Rockman fanpage dedicated to the good fics and fanart out there. ^_^
- Internal Files
-- Da fanfiction, baby. Mostly yaoi.
- Without Type
-- Plenty yummy fanart. Plenty yaoi too.
- Printed Notions
-- Scans of some of the Rockman doujinshi I own or have
owned. Not up yet.
- Inside Access
-- Links! Links! Links!
- Execution Denied
-- For all that random small stuff like winamp skins,
cool sayings, skits, cliques, the works.
Match Point
The website of a Prince of Tennis Livejournal Role-Play. Moved here because Tormalyne
could no longer upkeep it.
- First Seed
-- General information and premise of the game.
- Volley Zone
-- Information on submitting and being accepted into
Match Point.
- Double Fault
-- All the many rules involved in playing the game.
- Show Court
-- A list of all players and the characters they
- Doubles Alley
-- The collection of all logs that players have
taken part in, organized chronologically and by character. Not yet up.
On Silk Screens
A collection of all the doujinshi currently in my collection with a cover image, an
internal image, a short summation of the doujinshi, and it's sale status.
- Why and Wherefore
-- All the details. Why I collect doujinshi, trade
status, shipping information, and links.
- In Living Color
-- The collection of doujinshi itself.
Colors of the Win
My little spot to stick all these winamp skins I feel compelled to do ... as well as all
those lovely skins others do. ^_^ Enjoy, fellow MP3 listeners.
- Winamp
-- A short blurb on how to install these babies as well
as brief (and vague) instructions on how to make 'em. ^_^
- Symphony of Series
-- The skins sorted by series.
- Court of Composers
-- The skins sorted by creator.
Of Paper Skies
A page devotes to hosting Son Gosai's artwork.
- Profile
-- A short personal profile of the artist.
- Fan/artwork
-- The artwork itself.
- Updates
-- Updates to the page. ^^; Duh, right?
- Miscellaneous
-- Credits, disclaimers, linking, and other odds and
i exist
My own personal page where I put up anything I darn well please. ^_^
- bio
-- All about me; not up yet.
- the harem
-- Those boyz in my harem that amuse us all; not yet
- live journal/live journal mirror
-- My online journal where I post fic snippets,
unfinished pics, and random babble.
- for sale
-- Everything I might as well get rid of.
- flames
-- A page for flames that I've gotten for my webpage,
my fics, and my pics; not yet up.
- links
-- Places I visit daily at any given time.
- fanfiction
-- My fanfics! ^_^ All of them!
- original
-- My original creations.
- preview only
-- Large fics that I've only completed parts of; not
yet up.
- fanart/art
-- My attempts at drawing; not yet up.
- winamp skins
-- Winamp skins I've made; directly linked to Colors of
the Win for now.
- cosplay
-- I'm the seamstress of our cosplay group. This is
the page for it; not yet up.
Star Well
All the links I have collected and organized since before this site even came to be.
- Anime Fanfiction Links
-- o.O My large, large, large, very huge collection
of anime fanfiction links sorted by alphabettically by series.
- Slayers Links
-- ^_^ The ever growing, already enormous collection
of Slayers links.
- Favorite Links
-- Links I love and visit often, have bookmarked in
- i exist: links
-- Direct link to the i exist links.
- Star Void
-- My collection of banners for those who want to use
a banner to link to me.
- Black Hole
-- Submission policy for links.
- Ruby Wall
-- Direct link to the White June links.
- One-Way Mirror
-- Direct link to the Smoking Mirror links.
- Inside Access
-- Direct link to the Ghost in the Machine links.
- Links
-- Direct link to the On Silk Screens links.
No Where
Where I keep all the old updates, going straight back to the beginning of the page.
Bubbles of Baubles
The place where the gifts and awards the page has received are stored. *-*
Past and Present
This months updates, most recent updates are actually in the little "more" part at
the bottom of the Update part of the main index page.
Livin' Memory
All the miscellaneous stuff that's just gotta be on the page. ^_^