Sometime during the burial of Naghus, Gourry and Amelia arrived. During the service Amelia had a small tear in the corner of her eye and Gourry paid attention, a solemn look plastering his face.
Afterwards they all walked inside and sat in chairs around the table. Amelia and Gourry were told the same story Zel had been told before. Zelgadis heard bits and pieces of the story as it had to be retold twice so Gourry understood. His attention was mostly on Lina. He had seen a new side of her today. He had a glimpse of the same thing before...right before the final battle against Shabranigdo, but not ever since....until now.
At the moment she had her chin resting on her right hand, elbow on the table. Her other arm lay limply before her and her gaze was on the window, a destracted look shadowing her eyes. He had been staring for a while now and she hadn't changed positions since. He started slightly when she spoke.
"How long will it be before we have to dig another hole?" her voice seemed forced and strange. It broke the silence like a hammer on glass.
Negha smiles slightly. "Not for a while. It usually happens in pairs. Each a year apart." Lina did not seem satisfied.
"I'll stay if you want me to. To help out." She replied, turning to face them.
"As will I." Zel added, turning to them as well. He didn't want to leave Lina's side. It was so boring when she wasn't around. For a while he thought he might like quiet, but now he realized he craved what she offered. Excitement, adventure, friendship. Things he didn't get much of on his own.
With a moments hesitation Amelia agreed and Gourry did as well - after Amelia repeated the offer a few times.
Negha was slightly surprised. She closed her eyes and shook her head. "Thank you, but no. I would ask one favour of you, Ms. Inverse."
Lina looked interested. "What's that?"
"Would you please come immediately when I summon you? I want you to be there to bury me, next to my sisters." Negha looked at the others and they all shared a smile. Lina choked quietly before answering. Zel was sure he was the only one that heard the hesitation.
"I promise. Is there anything else we can do before we leave?"
Negha shook her head at Lina's question. "Time is short. We will live out lives to the fullest; this I swear. Because that's all that really matters. I want you to do the same."
Lina nodded and stood. She started to walk out the door with Zelgadis, Amelia, then Gourry behind her. She looked back one last time before she closed the door.