
I have this nagging feeling that I'm forgetting something...something important. I hate when I do that; I usually pride myself with my depth of knowledge. The closer we got to Ai City the more and more nervous I became...very strange. I was distracted from my thoughts by the others excited chatting...as usual.

"Lina-san this is so cool! I can't believe we're going to Ai City!" Amelia bounced over into my direction...lucky me. "Mr. Zelgadis I heard that everyone there is a couple and that if you go there single you are guaranteed to come out a couple!" oh no she was doing that thing again, where she gets all starry eyed.

"Nothing but cheap superstition" I mumbled even as she latched onto my arm. I kept walking along all the while Amelia continued with her inane chatter. Don't get me wrong I was listening to some of her words, until she began hinting at the two of them becoming a couple. I turned my head to the side and noticed that Gourry and Syphiel were a little ways behind them, and Lina was bringing up the rear. That was strange she had barely made a sound for the past half-hour or so. I shrugged, she was probably just thinking of a way to scam her way into the library.

"Look Gourry-san! I can see the top of the buildings! We're almost there!" I smiled slightly beneath my facemask as Syphiel tugged Gourry along. As we came around a bend in the road, I halted abruptly in my tracks. There was no way in this world that I was going through those main gates.

"How kawii! The might of love shines upon us!" Amelia the ever so observant, only she would like the décor.

I on the other hand considered it to be a sure sign of my impending doom. The front gates of Ai city was a large...no I mean a gigantic HEART! And it was PINK! The tall walls surrounding the city were pink and had little white bunnies printed on the sides. I noticed that Lina was looking a tad sick, but then again Lina still had that determined gleam in her eyes. They could go in, but I'm not going ...there was just no way.

Uh oh why were they all staring at him like that...


Mmmmm...Ok at the moment I am currently immobile and I can't talk around the gag. But I promise that I will get my revenge oh yes I will...

My eyes dart around as they drag me along ...inside is even more deranged then the outside. The man that bounced, yes that's right bounced over. What in the world was he wearing...a white toga!

This was bad...this was very bad...

Wednesday   |   Fanfiction