For the Readers: This author is Italian, and English is not her native
language. Please realize that there might be some grammatical errors. (If any of you had
translated things, ya know what I mean.)
Lady Sheira
Theria and SephZero
- Fibrizo, Agent of Love?
Okay, a really bad attempt (why don't I just say failure)
at a Valentine's Day fic. Probably should have known this would be result when I'm told to
write about multiple couplings at once (I can barely get even one done right).
No real romance in this one, sorry everyone. Just more weirdness and why
it isn't a good idea to cross L-sama.
Priestess Minerva
- Song of the Dark Lords
A series of poems on the dark lords.
- Countdown to Extinction
Basically it's Fiby's thoughts right before the whole fiasco with him
gettin' snuffed by LoN.
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