- For The Love of Her - some YAOI
Xellos and Valgarv are fighting over Firia, but they might not being
fighting for the reasons they think. Zelgadis makes a cameo appearance.
Alyson Metallium
- Cinderchimera
Take well known, well loved Fairy Tales (preferably ones that were
animated by either Disney or one of it's competitors), recast the story
using the crew from Slayers, and what do you get? Utter Chaos, with
much running around, bad jokes, yelling at the narrator, and the
occasional plot hole. Not to mention late night headaches. ^^
- Sleeping Sorceress
Take well known, well loved Fairy Tales (preferably ones that were
animated by either Disney or one of it's competitors), recast the story
using the crew from Slayers, and what do you get? Utter Chaos, with
much running around, bad jokes, yelling at the narrator, and the
occasional plot hole. Not to mention late night headaches. ^^
- Little Dragon
Take well known, well loved Fairy Tales (preferably ones that were
animated by either Disney or one of it's competitors), recast the story
using the crew from Slayers, and what do you get? Utter Chaos, with
much running around, bad jokes, yelling at the narrator, and the
occasional plot hole. Not to mention late night headaches. ^^
- The Swan Chimera
Take well known, well loved Fairy Tales (preferably ones that were
animated by either Disney or one of it's competitors), recast the story
using the crew from Slayers, and what do you get? Utter Chaos, with
much running around, bad jokes, yelling at the narrator, and the
occasional plot hole. Not to mention late night headaches. ^^
Lady Sheira
- Dance with Death - INDEX
A thousand years ago, Shabrinigdo wasn't defeated, and he gained
possesion of the Sword of Light. The human race has been ruled by the Mazuko ever since. Now,
a band of freedom fighters known as the Slayers will try to change things.
- L/Z Contest Submission
This is a submission to the Lina and Zel contest from the Lina and
Zelgadiss Yahoo club!!
- Broken Wings
This is a short story that is an alternate ending for Slayers Try. It's
between Filia and Valgarv.
- Happiness Will Come - INDEX
This one is based off of another Korean drama called Taeyan Eun
Gadugi. Very very complicated plot. Zel and Xel are best friends. They all go to Seoul for
university. This is where all the trouble starts. Lotsta love triangle. Complication and
stuff. Also DO NOT read if you like XELLOSS. He's an ass in here.
- Mr. Slayers
This fic is going to be about Slayers version of Mr. USA paegent like
thing. ^_^ Hehehehehe. I got this idea after I saw our school paegant thing: Mr. SAHS! ^^
Miss L
- Lina's Nightmare Rhapsody - INDEX
Years later and three more people joined the travelling Slayers group,
an annoying old acquaintance shows up claiming Lina is his legitamate wife. Oh what will the
crew do when they not only have to deal with this problem but also fight two strong mazukos
who are also aftering Lina to become one of them? Well I guess you'll have to read it now
don't you??
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