Title: Koi Ha Do!
Circle: Mizuno Fun
Pages: 34
Type: Gag
Pairings: None
Status: Sold |
Comments: A cute doujinshi. ^_^
Title: Yarou Zanmai
Circle: Mizuno Fun
Pages: 18
Type: Gag
Pairings: None
Status: Sold |
Comments: Another one by the same
circle as Koi Ha Do. Just as cute. ::loves the Shinra cracks::
Title: Turks Mission 2
Circle: Me-Gu
Pages: 34
Type: Gag/Shonen-ai
Pairings: Tseng/Rufus
Status: Sold |
Comments: Rufus is such a cute little
spoiled brat in this doujinshi. XD Tseng gets stuck in a bridge trying to save Rufus
from his stubborn little self.
Title: ?
Circle: Me-Gu
Pages: 30
Type: Gag/Shonen-ai
Pairings: Tseng/Rufus
Status: Sold |
Comments: Once more, Rufus tries
Tseng's patience and willpower, this time at the beach.
Title: Ground Zero
Circle: Astro Boys
Pages: 46
Type: Serious
Pairings: None
Status: Sold |
Comments: A Rufus focused doujinshi I
first saw at Ruaki's. Rufus was such a cutie in it I snatched it up when it showed on
Aestheticism. =9 The childhood and death of Rufus.
Title: Time Limit
Circle: Astro Boys
Pages: 42
Type: Gag
Pairings: None
Status: Sold |
Comments: ::shrugs:: Just got it
because it was Astro Boys. Nice art, but not enough Shinra to make me happy.
Title: Time Limit 3
Circle: Astro Boys
Pages: 46
Type: Serious
Pairings: None
Status: Sold |
Comments: LOL! Playboy Bunnies! I
bought it for the bunnies~!
Title: Moeru Otoko Gokoro
Circle: Studio Holy
Pages: 46
Type: Yaoi/Gag
Pairings: Rufus/Sephiroth
Status: Sold |
Comments: ROFLMAO!! XD Oh my god,
this is absolutely hilarious. Everyone wants some of that Sephy ass. Rufus takes it,
much to Seph's continued and snicker-worthy distress. ^^; You'd think a big, bad
general with a big, bad sword would just tell him to get lost, but noooooooo. ::snrks::
And then Rufus and Cloud divide him up. LOL!!! It's great!!
Title: Phoenix
Circle: Studio Holy
Pages: 34
Type: Yaoi/Gag
Pairings: Rufus/Tseng, Zach/Sephiroth, Sephiroth/Vincent, Rude/Reno
Status: Sold |
Comments: Nothing graphic in this
particular doujinshi, so it slides by without needing ID. The main focus of this one is
the Rude/Reno story ... done in all SD ... dammit, I wanted to see Reno fulls-size and
sexy!!!! ;-;
Title: Hades
Circle: Studio Holy
Pages: 34
Type: Shonen-ai/Gag
Pairings: Cloud/Sephiroth
Status: Sold |
Comments: Cloud chases rather
desperately after Sephiroth ... only to be killed repeatedly by a pissed Sephiroth when
Cloud-lover-boy-wannabe gets grabby. Now, I wonder why he never did that to Rufus ...
Title: Boogie Woogie Turks
Circle: WASAB'z
Pages: 60
Type: Shonen-ai/Gag
Pairings: Tseng/Rufus, Rude/Reno
Status: Not for sale/trade |
Comments: Me and Ruaki fought over
this one ... I won 'cause she ended up bidding on something else she wanted more. ^^;;
Needless to say, this is lovely. Reno keeps beating on Rufus --
Rufus then runs sobbing to Tseng. ^^; Then there's a nice part where Reno, Rude, and
Elena take out some dude (well, Reno takes him out) and there's a sweet Rude/Reno
moment. The type of moments I like, even though they're not Reno/Rufus. ^_^
Title: Monkey Magic
Circle: WASAB'z
Pages: 14
Type: Gag
Status: Not for sale/trade |
Comments: It's WASAB'z. Enough said.
Title: Delicious
Circle: WASAB'z
Pages: 26
Type: Gag/Shonen-ai
Pairings: Reno/Tseng
Status: Traded |
Comments: ::snrks:: Reno is a thorn
in Tseng's side. =D A sexy, fun-loving, free-wheeling thorn. It kinda reminds me of
Blues and Anji in the space RP. One has a stick up his ass and the other is happy-happy
Title: Hyper Rendez-Vous
Circle: WASAB'z
Pages: 28
Type: Gag/Shonen-ai
Pairings: Cloud/Reno
Status: Not for sale/trade |
Comments: ::grins:: The three
Cloud/Reno books by WASAB'z are doujinshi I've been trying to get for some time and only
just recently did someone want to trade one of my doujinshi for the three of them. *-*
Thank you! ::waves madly at Rai -Happy Turk-:: The three books follow a trend, of
course. ^_^ Cloud is basically lusting after Reno and is thinking incessantly about
getting him to go out with him, screw, glomp, etc. Reno seems to be bemused, sometimes
charigned, but generally okay with it (*-* he's so cool!!! ::squeals::) And they all
have the yummiest single shots of Reno. ::drools all over the floor:: ^_^ Anyway,
feature of this doujinshi is the shoujo-manga "relationship graph" which is just funny.
Title: Love Bridge
Circle: WASAB'z
Pages: 20
Type: Gag/Shonen-ai
Pairings: Cloud/Reno
Status: Not for sale/trade |
Comments: Showcase for this is the
story where Cloud sews a dress for Reno and then gives it to him to wear, and the next
time they meet up Cloud has a fit since it's Elena that's wearing the
frilly dress. =D
Title: Dream Paradox
Circle: WASAB'z
Pages: 24
Type: Gag/Shonen-ai
Pairings: Cloud/Reno
Status: Not for sale/trade |
Comments: Showcase is Reno wearing
Reno's goggles and Cid hitting on Reno, only to be beaten up by a jealous Cloud.
Title: ??
Circle: WASAB'z
Pages: 68
Type: Serious
Pairings: N/A
Status: Not for sale/trade |
Comments: This one is all about the
death and following survival of Tseng. The Turks spazz and there is deep stuff. Not to
mention we get an awesome pin-up of Reno and Elena.
Title: Jesus Christ
Circle: WASAB'z
Pages: 73
Type: Shonen Ai/Gag
Pairings: Reno/Cloud
Status: Not for sale/trade |
Comments: A compilation of Hyper
Rendez-Vous, Love Bridge, and Love Bridge with an extra story thrown in. *-*
Reno and Cloud fight and though Cloud manages to scratch Reno, Reno escapes, MOCKING him.
I love you, Reno. I love you SO much.
Title: Rescue Me
Circle: WASAB'z
Pages: 26
Type: Shonen Ai/Gag
Pairings: Tseng/Rufus
Status: Sold |
Comments: The basic Tseng taking care
of Rufus in the standard Tseng/Rufus style of doujinshi. Though there is a funny moment
where Reno appears and he and Rufus chat about something that makes Tseng go blue. =D
Title: Temperance
Circle: R.R.O.C. [Rito Kohsaka]
Pages: 24
Type: Gag
Pairings: Hints of Reno/Elena
Status: Not for sale/trade |
Comments: Any doujinshi by this circle
are doujinshi you'd have to pry out of my cold, dead fingers to get. ^_^ I managed to
get ahold of all four of them from the now mysteriously vanished Book Mart one summer.
Cute art, cute gags, cute everything. Absolutely lovely.