Title: X [Eks]
Circle: S.E.I.3 (?????)
Pages: 30
Type: Serious
Pairings: Xellos/Lina, Zelas/Xellos
Status: Sold |
Comments: I bought this to sell it.
And since I don't like Xellos/Lina, I fully expected to do that when I got it. Then I
looked it over and ended up not being able to part with it. Mainly, 'cause it portrays
Xellos/Lina in the only way I can tolerate; Xellos as a heartless, unfeeling, purely
Mazoku being (none of this mushy love and sappy crap). *-* The end story where Xellos
kills Lina .... ::sigh:: it was great. I love this doujinshi!!! I want more of the