Title: Love Sickness
Circle: Wolfgung
Pages: 18
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Viktor/Flik
Status: Sold |
Comments: So Flik kicks Vik out of
the bedroom (I guess he wasn't in the mood), so the next night Vik all surprises
exhausted Flik by pouncing him, pinning him down, and having his wicked way with him.
Title: Love Sickness II
Circle: Wolfgung
Pages: 30
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Viktor/Flik
Status: Sold |
Comments: Flik punches the hell out
of an unsuspecting Vik (maybe for the molestation from book 1?). Then they kinda do this
mini-angst thing seperated (Vik gets a bandaid!) while Flik's all mentally flashbacking
to pr0n. Then Flik goes off to talk with Vik and starts stripping. XD I guess that
means that they make up!
Title: Love Sickness III
Circle: Wolfgung
Pages: 18
Type: Gag/Serious/Shounen-ai
Pairings: Viktor/Flik
Status: Sold |
Comments: Flik and Camus sit around
drinking. Then Camus hauls Flik off to the doctor to be examined? XD It's pretty funny
because Camus and the doc are talking all calm like and Flik starts freaking out every
couple lines. It must have been over sex and Vik, dontcha know.
Title: ???
Circle: Chemical Garden
Pages: 20
Type: Gag/Shounen-ai
Pairings: Jowy/Riou
Status: Sold |
Comments: A gag doujinshi featuring
Jowy as Repunzel (Riou climbs up his hair and glomps him), Jowy surfing the internet and
and turning blue over all the fun Riou seems to be having, Jowy dreaming of being a bride
and then flailing and running around much to Riou's consternation. There's also a cute
little gag about Ridley holding a puppy (or so Riou thinks) that turns out to be his son?
Title: Love Shine
Circle: Common Sense [Iori Amamiya]
Pages: 34
Type: Gag/Yaoi
Pairings: Flik/Victor
Status: Sold |
Comments: Their love (arrangement for
sex? companionship?) is so incredibly silly. XD I laugh, for it is full of mishap,
flailings, and Vik being the dork that he is. There's also a gag with crossdressing,
where Vik shows off his manly legs, which has to be both the funniest and scariest thing
Title: Rakuei-No-Miyako
Circle: Clips, ZIP
Pages: 38
Type: Gag/Shounen-ai
Pairings: Culgan/Seed, Bochan/Riou, Joey/Riou
Status: Sold |
Comments: In which Bochan drives
Joey absolutely INSANE by hitting on Riou. XD It is the greatest thing EVER. Culgan
and Seed also have much UST in the background, which also drives Joey crazy. This is
so the face of no pity. =D Not a bad doujinshi for something that randomly came with
one of my Saiyuki orders.