Title: Guuwa
Circle: Elephant Man
Pages: 26
Type: Serious/Shonen-ai
Pairings: Hakkai/Sanzo
Status: Not for sale/trade |
Comments: A chat in the forest
followed by smoochies against a tree. You'll soon notice that much of Hakkai/Sanzo seems
to end up being in a forest or featuring trees. It's like a staple of the pairing. I'm
not sure if it's because they're on the road or because trees are supposed to imply
Hakkai-ness. XD It befuddles me.
Title: Secret Movie
Circle: Elephant Man
Pages: 26
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Hakkai/Sanzo
Status: Sold |
Comments: One part text. One part
with just smut (and limiter fingering by Sanzo -- one of my secret happy points in the
pairing, for one day I shall have a doujinshi with youkai!Hakkai and Sanzo) and one part
with the two sharing coffee in a domestic scene.
Title: Hiyokobuta No Theme Part 2
Circle: Elephant Man
Pages: 24
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Hakkai/Sanzo
Status: Not for sale/trade |
Comments: One part text. One part
with Hakkai sleeping while Sanzo just sits there beside him. Hakkai wakes up, they
talk, kiss, and end right back up in bed.
Title: Romance Book
Circle: Elephant Man
Pages: 30
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Hakkai/Sanzo
Status: Not for sale/trade |
Comments: Mainly has Sanzo and Hakkai
hanging around in bed together, but also features a very cute scene where Hakkai is
doing the laundry while hanging out with Gojyo. =D I always like it when all the ikkou
are present.
Title: Catharsis
Circle: Elephant Man
Pages: 34
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Hakkai/Sanzo
Status: Not for sale/trade |
Comments: Mostly text. One story has
Hakkai getting on Sanzo's case about a wound (I think). The other story has them
hanging out in bed ... although I think Hakkai said something to get himself smacked,
because he's wearing gauze the 'next day' with Goku and Gojyo.
Title: Midnight Sun
Circle: Blue Radiant
Pages: 42
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Sanzo/Hakkai
Status: Sold |
Comments: A story that's post Sanzo
getting stabbed by the scorpion youkai (with smut). Another that has Hakkai bribing
Goku and Gojyo to share a room. Then he ends up nice and alone with Sanzo, who promptly
pounces on him (probably my favorite part in the whole book because it amuses me
greatly). The third story has Hakkai angsting over Chin Issou and Sanzo going 'No angst
plzthx' and going in for the molestoring.
Title: Saiyashi
Circle: Blue Radiant
Pages: 54
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Hakkai/Sanzo
Status: Sold |
Comments: Half text. Sanzo gets
injured (stabbed, it seems) and is hiding it. Naturally, these things can't be hidden
when you're in a small jeep with others -- so the boys stop so Hakkai can work some
healing magic on their stubborn leader. Later, at the inn, Hakkai proves that he is
Very Annoyed and ties Sanzo up with a bandage ... well, until Sanzo kicks him. So, then
there was Sanzo being untied and no bondage for us. But amusing none the less.
Title: Basilisk
Circle: Blue Radiant
Pages: 38
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Hakkai/Sanzo
Status: Not for sale/trade |
Comments: So the Sanzo ikkou minus
Sanzo are sitting around shooting the breeze and Goku relates this little memory of
some things the monks said at the temple. Hakkai goes all twitchy freaky over it
(whatever it is) and goes on upstairs to have a chat with Sanzo (I think over this
recollection). There is some kind of confrontation which ends in smut (because it's some
kind of requirement for Saiyuki books to have smut). Then they're laying there post
sex and Hakkai up and tries to stangle Sanzo. Sanzo is all "!!!" and smacks him and
Hakkai goes "OMG WTF am I doing?!", gets yelled at by Sanzo, and then flees the room.
Then it ends. ENDS. So now I want Basilisk 2.
Title: Basilisk II
Circle: Blue Radiant
Pages: 42
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Hakkai/Sanzo
Status: Not for sale/trade |
Comments: Score Basilisk 2 for me!
So probably the funniest part of this book is how Hakkai and Sanzo are so obviously NOT
talking to each other. Until their is youkai attacking, Hakkai having one of his angst
moments, some beer, some sex, Sanzo smacking Hakkai for being an idiot, more sex, and
then happy moments all around!
Title: Original Sin
Circle: Blue Radiant
Pages: 42
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Hakkai/Sanzo
Status: Not for sale/trade |
Comments: A quiet evening sleeping
out in the woods (in the jeep) leads to sex. Sanzo apparently was annoyed at the timing
of this sex and gives Hakkai the wit of death. The next day, Gojyo's all 'why the
hang-dog look, man' and Hakkai does his laughing thing, but Gojyo must have said
something worthwhile, because later there is talking between the lovebirds (which ends
in sex) and all is well again.
Title: Salvation
Circle: Blue Radiant
Pages: 30
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Hakkai/Sanzo
Status: Not for sale/trade |
Comments: A story about when Hakkai
was at the temple and brought before the Three Aspects. One nice scene is Sanzo
"fussing" over Hakkai's new eye after it's been replaced. There's also a scene where
Sanzo hands Hakkai some glasses and then there is talking, some hugging, and a kiss.
Title: Dokusai
Circle: Datenshi Seisei Kikan [Takaya Mizuhara]
Pages: 16
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Hakkai/Sanzo
Status: Sold |
Comments: Sanzo broods at the window,
probably watching the stars when Hakkai joins him. There is hugging and chatting
followed up by sex.
Title: Junai Sadistic
Circle: Datenshi Seisei Kikan [Takaya Mizuhara]
Pages: 42
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Hakkai/Sanzo
Status: Sold |
Comments: Cue the forest scene.
Hakkai walks in on Sanzo bathing in a pond and naturally decides to molestor him. What
follows is Sanzo being tied to a tree. Smut ensues.
Title: Juujou
Circle: Datenshi Seisei Kikan [Takaya Mizuhara]
Pages: 36
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Hakkai/Sanzo
Status: Sold |
Comments: More forest sex. Also
features a Hakkai "I am planning to stalk you" look when Sanzo wanders off from him and
Title: Shinshoku
Circle: Datenshi Seisei Kikan [Takaya Mizuhara]
Pages: 36
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Hakkai/Sanzo
Status: Sold |
Comments: Our two boys are sharing a
room in some house. Hakkai wakes up from a bad dream. Sanzo must have had angst about
whatever it is that Hakkai was dreaming about, for he wanders out of the house in a snit,
forcing Hakkai to chase him out. Lo, outside, Sanzo decided to drench himself in pond
water (why, I don't know) and Hakkai is all flail and 'I still luv you', so they go back
into the house and then there is smut (because what would a Datenshi Seisei Kikan
doujinshi BE without smut? Very empty, I guess).
Title: Labyrinth
Circle: Datenshi Seisei Kikan [Takaya Mizuhara]
Pages: 28
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Hakkai/Sanzo
Status: Sold |
Comments: Sanzo has a bad dream about
Koumyou, so Hakkai comforts him. Then there's sex. D= I'm sorry, but it's a Datenshi
Title: Shinshoku
Circle: Datenshi Seisei Kikan [Takaya Mizuhara]
Pages: 36
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Hakkai/Sanzo
Status: Sold |
Comments: Sanzo is meditating/praying
before the shrine and Hakkai comes in to talk to him. Then there's sex. Datenshi
classics, yo~
Title: Eyeahes
Circle: Gracefl Worms
Pages: 30
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Hakkai/Sanzo
Status: Not for sale/trade |
Comments: I believe this takes place
in an AU world. The two boys whack on Bad Guys, Hakkai has an angst spazz and takes it
out on his mirror, Sanzo meets Hakkai outside in the rain with an umbrella (Hakkai has
to angst in the rain too), and then there is sex on the couch.
Title: Locus
Circle: Gracefl Worms
Pages: 20
Type: Serious/Shounen-ai
Pairings: Kenran/Konzen
Status: Not for sale/trade |
Comments: Konzen finishes his work,
stretches, and goes to the window to look out at the moon. Only, outside of his window,
sitting on the ground in is Kenran, also watching the moon. Kenran shares his sake
and there is talking. There is also Kenran petting Konzen's hair and then the two of
them sharing a kiss. It's very sweet, subtle, and nice. ^_^
Title: Getsu-ei
Circle: Ryogetsu DX vs AtoZ SP
Pages: 50
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Sanzo/Hakkai
Status: Not for sale/trade |
Comments: General smut and post
scorpion youkai smut. Highlight is Hakkai taking the Sanzo's post sex cigarette right
out of his hand and stubbing it out. XD I have a weak spot for the artwork and the
faces that Sanzo makes.
Title: Present
Circle: Ryogetsu DX vs AtoZ SP
Pages: 66
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Sanzo/Hakkai
Status: Not for sale/trade |
Comments: Showcase of this doujinshi
is Gojyo putting the moves on Hakkai! XD I was like FINALLY SOME GOJYO IN A
HAKKAI AND SANZO BOOK. Sanzo walks in on it and immediately the gun comes out to shoot
the hell out of intruding kappa. Sanzo is very possessive it seems. Most amusing scene
Title: Way of Difference
Circle: Ryogetsu DX vs AtoZ SP
Pages: 32
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Sanzo/Hakkai, Konzen/Tenpou
Status: Not for sale/trade |
Comments: First story has the Sanzo
ikkou dealing with a small girl. I don't know what's going on, but Hakkai gets randomly
blushy about it. The second story in Konzen/Tenpou, which ends up with the focus
switching back to Hakkai and Sanzo sharing a cuddly moment ... so maybe they were having
a sorta flashback to their former selves who were also together?