Doujinshi F


Final Fantasy VII continued

Title: In Bed With Rufus
Circle: Club A2
Pages: 26
Type: Shonen-ai/Gag
Pairings: Tseng/Rufus
Status: Sold

Comments: LOL! Everyone wants Rufus in this one. ^^; Tseng spends all his time daydreaming and fawning over Rufus-sama, much to Elena's annoyance. ::snickers:: Oi, I got great amusement from this doujinshi when I bought it.

Title: ?
Circle: ?
Pages: 54
Type: Yaoi/Serious
Pairings: Vincent/Cloud, Hojo/Vincent
Status: Sold

Comments: ^^; Er, there's stuff. But there's Hojo/Vincent smut, which makes it kinda decent ... kinda. Okay, okay, I'm not too keen on this. ^^;;

Title: Love Phantom
Circle: ?/16 Bit
Pages: 61
Type: Serious
Pairings: None?
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: RENO!! ::dies:: ::revives:: FROM RUAKI!! ::dies:: ::revives:: I LOVE THIS BOOK!! *-* It's so dark, serious, sexy, and just so wonderfully Reno and ... ::happy sigh:: Well, I just love it.

Title: Xanadu
Circle: ?
Pages: 30
Type: Serious
Pairings: None?
Status: Sold

Comments: Rufus centric doujinshi that doesn't have Tseng shonen-ai! Wai!! ^_^ And there's some Reno wandering around in there too.

Title: ? Tarks Special
Circle: ?
Pages: 50
Type: Yaoi/Serious
Pairings: Reno/Tseng
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: Nice this is a nice. Very catty looking Reno and of course, Tseng is usually cute too. ^_^ The interesting thing with this one is that it took a month to reach me thanks to the wonder that is the United States Postal Service. Seems it toured god knows where before ending up in my hands. O.o

Title: Sun of the Empire
Circle: Second Union
Pages: 24
Type: Shonen-ai/Serious
Pairings: Reno/Tseng
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: Awwww, this is adorable. Nothing smutty, no overly uke-ish Tseng, just ... sweet. *-* ::happy sigh:: There's the beginning story, where Reno sits by Tseng's bed and touches the mark on his forehead ... only to have it come off. LOL! ^^; Then a cute conversation where Reno frustrates and annoys and otherwise flusters Tseng. So Renoish! And softer Tsengish!

Title: Number 9
Circle: Redheaded Bunny
Pages: 30
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Rude/Reno
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: I don't know why I like this doujinshi. I just do. Nothing special about the artwork or anything, it just ... strikes me. Very much how I expect the Rude/Reno relationship to be: a deep, deep friendship with the occasional smut. LOL! I like the urinal picture! I can just see Reno popping out with "I can aim better than you!" or something! ^^; Okay, time I think, to move on.

Title: Kirikirimai
Circle: Chew K. Haruka/W. Moon/Uzuki Kenmochi/Syuji Suzukake
Pages: 58
Type: Yaoi/Gag/Serious
Pairings: Tseng/Reeve, Rude/Reno, Cid/Vincent
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: Love the cover art, hands down. As for the stories ... ::grins:: First we have Reeve's brother (I think it might be since he looks like Reeve) visiting and happily pushing his workoholic bro into Tseng's more than capable hands. Next is kitty Vincent and sexy Cid. ^^; Don't take much to figure out what happens. Finally is Reno jumping Rude. Reno always jumps Rude in these doujinshi ... XD

Title: Lotus Land
Circle: W. Moon/Nihonkikaku/Uzuki Kenmochi/Syuji Suzukake
Pages: 28
Type: Shonen-ai/Gag
Pairings: Tseng/Rufus
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: A delightfully catty Reno. XD A very frisky catty Reno. Climbin' all over a very perturbed looking Rude. XD Damn I love the way the Japanese portray the relationship.

Title: Cloud Happy Birthday Book
Circle: Anthurium/Sugar
Pages: 68
Type: Shonen-ai
Pairings: Vincent/Cloud, Reno/Cloud, Sephiroth/Cloud
Status: Sold

Comments: Got this book for the Reno/Cloud and I wasn't dissapointed. Their's is the first story and basically they share some hotdogs, chat, and it ends in Reno kissing a cutely confused Cloud. ^_^

Title: Ba Couple
Circle: ?
Pages: 18
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Reno/Rufus
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: A sweet doujinshi. Reno carries Rufus to bed, only to have the blonde pull him right back into bed as he's about to leave, wanting to company and wanting it now. ^_^

Title: Ruby Red
Circle: Crazy Boy/Tsukigami Brand
Pages: 38
Type: Yaoi/Serious
Pairings: Vincent/Cloud, Reno/Rufus
Status: Sold

Comments: First story is Turk Vincent and Cloud. This is where we have our token smut. A text story. And finally, my favorite part of the doujinshi, the Reno and Rufus story. ^_^ They meet in the hallway and Reno yoinks Rufus close for a kiss. =9

Title: One Song
Circle: R & H-Koshiitai/E. K. Jerry
Pages: 54
Type: Yaoi/Hentai/Serious
Pairings: Reno/Rufus
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: ^^; It was back in the beginning of my doujinshi collecting and I was desperate for some Reno/Rufus stuff. Needless to say I spazzed and spazzed some more until Aestheticism sent me confirmation. If one can look past all the sex in this doujinshi, it's actually pretty cool. ^_^

Title: ?
Circle: ?
Pages: 26
Type: Yaoi/Gag/Serious
Pairings: Tseng/Rufus, Tseng/Reno
Status: Sold

Comments: Rufus is a totally cold, conniving ass in this one. *-* First, Tseng has his way with him and then he sits up in his office letting Reno screw him. During which he calls Tseng on his beeper thing and gets him to bust into the office. Cold, cold, cold Rufus. XD I love it.

Title: ?
Circle: ?
Pages: 46
Type: Gag
Pairings: None?
Status: Sold

Comments: A nice little Rufus gag doujinshi. ^_^

Title: ?
Circle: Yuki Miyamoto/Fujio
Pages: 24
Type: Yaoi
Pairings: Rufus/Sephiroth
Status: Sold

Comments: All text. Damn. I wish I could read Japanese.

Title: ?
Circle: Magic Harem
Pages: 74
Type: Yaoi
Pairings: Zack/Cloud, Reno/Cloud
Status: Sold

Comments: Got it for the Reno/Cloud story. o.O Er ... it's pretty kinky. And Cloud's really an uke. And ... em ... yeah ... O.o

Title: ?
Circle: Fire Fly Unlimited
Pages: 42
Type: Shonen-ai/Serious/Gag
Pairings: Tseng/Rufus, Rude/Reno
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: Awwwwwwwwww, so cute. There's a Elseworld taking place in old Japan. A cute Rude/Reno story and an adorable story with child Rufus and young Tseng. *-* Not my couples, but my way of portraying them if I can't avoid it.

Title: SEC
Circle: Anthurium.HK
Pages: 28
Type: Serious/Shonen-ai
Pairings: Tseng/Rufus
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: It's a Tseng/Rufus book, yes. BUT, it has this story where Reno just goes all out to save Rufus. ^_^ His loyalty and stuff to Shinra (and maybe something else in regards to Rufus? ::hopehope::). XD I like the looks on Elena's face.

Title: Jack Dog
Circle: Tsu-na/Conatsu. K
Pages: 50
Type: Gag/Serious
Pairings: None?
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: ^^; Reno and Rufus are such spoiled brats. Reno demands candy and Rufus thinks all girls just fall down and beg in his presence. LOL!


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