Doujinshi P


Prince of Tennis continued

Title: Crazy Crazy Summer
Circle: R.R.O.C.
Pages: 36
Type: Gag
Pairings: N/A
Status: For Sale on Ebay

Comments: See Yukimura the ghost! >D Renji prays to him and makes him turn invisible! Yukimura then pulls his face all out of contortion. Of course, there is also Sanada torment. Renji kicks ass by whacking Sanada when he moves around in his sleep, pictured on the right. >D

Title: Wacky Tennis Race!
Circle: R.R.O.C., Brappers
Pages: 38
Type: Gag/Shonen-Ai
Pairings: Various
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: All schools got to show up in this book. Showcases were Inui hitting on Jin and Sengoku hitting on Kaidou. Also featured was a doubles tournament where pairings would hit the ball and some sort of special item would fly through the air. Roses, flower petals, feathers ... it was great. >D

Title: God Save Me
Circle: R.R.O.C.
Pages: 30
Type: Gag/Shonen-Ai
Pairings: Various
Status: For Sale on Ebay

Comments: Showcase is a story where Sengoku and Minami meet up with Yanagi and Kirihara. Then we see that Yanagi has let his hair grow long in the front (this is how Sengoku recognizes him?), so he takes out a pair of scissors and cuts it on the spot. Kirihara is WTF while the Yamabukians are laughing, and Yanagi imagines thwapping Sengoku. It's just too funny for words.

Title: ?
Circle: R.R.O.C.
Pages: 38
Type: Gag/Shonen-Ai
Pairings: Yanagi/Kirihara
Status: For Sale on Ebay

Comments: XD A very strange story takes up all of this doujinshi. Apparently, Yanagi gets zapped into his younger longer haired self and now Kirihara (as his sempai), must watch over him. It's disgustingly squishy. But then Yukimura and Sanada appear (right before squishy smoochies) and Yukimura kisses Yanagi, zapping him back to his normal self! There is flailage on the parts of Kirahara and Sanada (XD). Then the interfering duo return home, followed by older!Yanagi, who gives Kirihara a smoochie on the way out (aww).

Title: Goodbye, My Superstar
Circle: Metropolitan Farm
Pages: 30
Type: Shonen-Ai
Pairings: Sengoku/Akutsu
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: Quasi future world in which Sengoku's running around like a hobo and Jin's a prize-fighter of some kind. They're looking for each other and finally meet at the end of the book. Which has the amusing scene of Sengoku hanging off of Jin. ::points to side::

Title: Anthem
Circle: Metropolitan Farm
Pages: 74
Type: Shonen-Ai
Pairings: Sengoku/Akutsu
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: Showcase is a story where Sengoku and Jin are out playing slots. Thanks to Sengoku's luck, they win Teh Big Time and are kicked out because the casino dudes think they're cheating. Once outside, there is yap, Jin telling Sengoku to pick a hand, and Sengoku picks by kissing the hand that he wants. Then he kisses Jin, who smacks him. Not deterred, Sengoku bounces off in high merriment while Jin reveals that he never had anything in his hands, anyway.

Title: Apology
Circle: Metropolitan Farm
Pages: 62
Type: Shonen-Ai
Pairings: Sengoku/Akutsu
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: In which Sengoku shows that he too is a badass by whacking around some guy who tries to knife him. Then he calls Jin, who has a panic attack over his near demise and rushes over. Sengoku feels bad for making him upset and we promptly descend into smut. >D But it's cute smut.

Title: GAB: Goku Aku Black
Circle: Metropolitan Farm
Pages: 58
Type: Shonen-Ai
Pairings: Sengoku/Akutsu
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: TenniPuri meets MIB! Sengoku = Agent K, Jin = Agent J, Taichi = Agent L, and Banji = Zed. ::giggles:: This was .... funny stuff, yo? >D I was cackling madly from the first page. Not to mention we have a nice hefty Sen/Jin vibe while Taichi is molestoring his big gun.

Title: Snow
Circle: Metropolitan Farm
Pages: 22
Type: Yaoi
Pairings: Sengoku/Akutsu
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: In which there is smut. Blindfold and bondage smut. Then Sengoku takes off to guilt in the snow, gets sick and Jin ends up taking care of him. >D There are just no words for my amusement here.

Title: I'll Be Back California
Circle: Metropolitan Farm
Pages: 22
Type: Gag/Shonen-Ai
Pairings: Sengoku/Akutsu
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: This takes place in the future, apparently in California, where Akutsu is. Sengoku drops by, but instead of actually visiting Jin, he leaves a picture of their childhood selves smooching in Jin's locker. ::snrks:: You two are very strange. Sweet but strange.

Title: Elegy
Circle: Metropolitan Farm
Pages: 122
Type: Gag/Yaoi
Pairings: Sengoku/Akutsu
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: This is something of a collection book, featuring stories from several of the books I already own and a few I don't. It also has a short with Jin becoming a cacoon and then emerging from it with wings as well as Jin as a feral cat boy. =D

Title: GokuAku Pistols (Winter)
Circle: Metropolitan Farm
Pages: 48
Type: Yaoi/Serious
Pairings: Sengoku/Akutsu
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: There are two GokuAku Pistol books, and even though this one comes out later, it seems to take place first. It boggles the mind. Really, it does. So anyway ... it's a long story featuring smut, Jin having a gun (which is freaking everyone out) while worrying his mom and Taka-san, and then Sengoku proving that he is mercurial, evil, and badass. =D

Title: GokuAku Pistols (Summer)
Circle: Metropolitan Farm
Pages: 62
Type: Yaoi/Serious
Pairings: Sengoku/Akutsu
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: The second book! Featuring more smut. Also in which Sengoku proves that Kouhou and Motion Vision make you a default badass ... and uses it to kick Jin's ass and then hold him up with Jin's gun. >D My god, but this book was great.

Title: Cradle
Circle: Metropolitan Farm
Pages: 21
Type: Shonen-Ai
Pairings: Sengoku/Akutsu
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: Wasn't initially to keen on these when I glanced at the covers, but after flipping through them, I've been completely sold. They do GREAT Sen/Jin romance. >D They maketh me a fangirl. Hehe~ Showcase is Sengoku falling asleep and having a dream where he loses Jin, so when he wakes up, Jin gives him a hug to make him feel better.

Title: Probability 50%
Circle: Metropolitan Farm
Pages: 18
Type: Serious/Shounen-Ai
Pairings: Yanagi/Inui
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: I am in search of Yanagi doujinshi! ::poses:: So I grabbed this. Though, really, I would have grabbed it anyway since it's Metropolitan Farm. =D So! This doujinshi covers the chibi!hood between the two, moving of Yanagi, and then their match against each other in junior high. Very cute~

Title: Seishun Blossom
Circle: Metropolitan Farm and Replica Star
Pages: 50
Type: Gag/Shonen-Ai
Pairings: Sengoku/Akutsu, Fuji/Kawamura, Fuji/Tezuka, Momoshirou/Ryouma
Status: For Sale on Ebay

Comments: Heee, this was just cute. Tezuka gets hypnotized, Fuji and Taka-san have a very cute little nose-pulling event, Tezuka gets flooded with birthday presents by an amused Fuji, Sengoku and Dan put a banana in Jin's bag to make him use it as a telephone, and then there's a cute story involve Sengoku and Jin with coke cans. Overall, just CUTE. Metropolitan Farm never disappoints me.

Title: Seishun Nightmare
Circle: Metropolitan Farm and Replica Star
Pages: 34
Type: Gag/Shonen-Ai
Pairings: Sengoku/Akutsu, Fuji/Tezuka, Momoshirou/Ryouma
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: Featured story is Jin trying to smoke inside school after school ... and being kicked around by teachers who are flailing at him for doing it. So he leaves, only to look up and see Sengoku smoking out the window, COMPLETELY UNBOTHERED. >D I laugh like crazy.

Title: Seishun Bararaika
Circle: Metropolitan Farm and Replica Star
Pages: 62
Type: Gag/Shonen-Ai
Pairings: Sengoku/Akutsu, Momoshirou/Tezuka, Fuji/Tezuka, Oishi/Eiji
Status: For Sale on Ebay

Comments: Featured story is Tezuka getting his towel stuck in a tree. So Momoshirou comes along and does a dunk smash jump to rescue it. >D Very cute, featuring blushy captians and grinning wannabe basketball stars.

Title: Thirteen
Circle: Metropolitan Farm and Replica Star
Pages: 30
Type: Gag/Shonen-Ai
Pairings: Sengoku/Akutsu
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: For all intents and purposes, we have two stories in which Sengoku molestors Jin over his cigarettes. In the Metropolitan Farm story, Sengoku is also sly and evil. >D I do so love that sly and evil Sengoku of theirs.

Title: Boyfriend
Circle: Metropolitan Farm
Pages: 14
Type: Serious/Yaoi
Pairings: Sengoku/Akutsu
Status: Not for sale/trade

Comments: So the boys are having sex and someone calls the cell, so Sengoku turns it on and sticks it in front of Jin like he should answer it or something ... IN THE MIDDLE OF SEX. XD You're a fucked up seme, Sengoku. Of course Jin's EVIL look after the whole fiasco makes me wonder what Sen's gonna get back on that one.


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