Steph -Ifni no Miko-
All stories posted on personal page.
Silent Steel
Xellos no Miko
- Running Kiss - YAOI
Another little humorous short! Once more, the miko is to blame ...
can't the bishounen just stop picking on us?!
- Heart of Night YAOI
The only second person story I've ever read! It deals with the only
real jump off for a Zelgadis/Xellos yaoi.
- "Sagashimashita" Germs YAOI
Little snippets and ponderings for full blown fics.
- Letter to Valgarv by Xellos - YAOI
Inspired by Ruaki's Tenshi to Akuma (She's just an
inspirational sort of gal ^_~).
- Untitled Xel/Xel - YAOI LEMON
Xellos and ... Xellos. And Zelgadis, who's the slightly unwilling
observer ...
- Stolen Kisses - YAOI
Another humorous short! Wai! Xellos and Gourry!
- Elemental Aspect - YAOI
"Oh, how to describe their relationship"
- Slayers Elsewhere - INDEX
Poor Lina. Even after defeating the other world Demon King Dark Star she
doesn't get a break.
Kidnapped by unknown forces, trapped in the Astral Plane with the
cheerfully evil Mazoku Trickster Priest Xelloss, and stalked by dead Dark Lords. Can it get
any worse?
On the other hand, down below isn't such a picnic either. Lina's friends
have enough to worry about without Xelloss' master, the Beastmaster Xelas Metallium who
insists on joining the search for the missing Lina and Xelloss.
And icy Dynast Grausherra has his own plans for them all ...
- Slayers Revelations
Over one hundred years have passed since "Slayers" and Lina Inverse,
immune to age, lives alone with only the memories of a once notorious life to keep her
company. With her friends gone, Lina has only herself...until an old "friend" decides it's
time to pick up where he left off with Lina .....
- Little Red Riding Hood - LEMON
A naughty little fairy tale between Lina and Xellos ...
- Caught Red Handed
This poem is about Xellos' human side. I know he's a Mazoku priest but
he was human once and I think a small part of him remains human. Occasionally, his
"conscience" as I like to think of it, rears its ugly head. That's probably part of the
reason why he helps the Slayers gang.
- Baths and Boxers
Guess who Xellos has on his boxers ...
Elizabeth -Trickster Priestess-
- Gone
What is Zel really seeking?
- One of Those Things
A humorous little trilogy in which everyone misunderstands everyone else
until the boys are left flabber-gasted in the end.
- Red Right Hand
"He'll rekindle all the dreams it took you a lifetime to destroy..." -
from Red Right Hand by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
- ... And What Will Stop It
"Love's what makes the world go 'round."
- On We Go
"On we go, and on we go, Wouldn't you be frightened to die alone?, Come
a little closer to me, darlin', oh" - from On We Go by Nancy McCallion
- You Oughta Know
"And I'm here to remind you, Of the mess you left when you went away" -
from You Oughta Know by Alanis Morissette
- Primer: You Oughta Know
Confused over what happened in You Oughta Know? Well, check
this out.
- The Sky is a Poisonous Garden - LEMON
"Out of this world, out of this time, out of control, they were out of
their minds" - from The Sky Is a Poisonous Garden by Concrete Blonde
- When She Left ...
Xellos ponders and takes a moment of introspection after L-sama takes
Lina away at the end of NEXT.
- Elegy
A parting poem for one deceased.
- W.E.I.R.D.
Xellos challenges Firia to a bet ... only to have her pull it off.
- W.E.I.R.D. II
Zelgadis just so happens to be jealous of Firia and Xellos's new 'thing'.
- For The Love of Her - some YAOI
Xellos and Valgarv are fighting over Firia, but they might not being
fighting for the reasons they think. Zelgadis makes a cameo appearance.
- Every You Every Me
Why is Xellos always seducing everyone??
- Powers of Heart and Soul
The Knight of Shabrinigido has been created, a piece of Shabrinigido is
beginning to break free, and it seems all Hell is literally going to break
loose. Now, this would be normal, if it wasn't that the Knight is Lina, the
piece of Shabrinigido is talking in her head, and maybe SHE'S going to be
the one to cause the end of the world. Plus the unlikeliest couples are
cropping up...
- Friendship
- The Nature of Friendship - YAOI
The group examines Xelloss's alledged friendship, and
Xelloss reminisces in a not-so-pleasant manner.
- Beyond Frienship - YAOI
Zel has given up on his cure, yeah. But now he's into
researching... other things. Namely, Xelloss. In doing so, he is forced to examine his
feelings for both the Mazoku and Amelia. Plot movement begins. Hurrah.
- Strains on Friendship - YAOI
Xelloss, in an attempt to discover Lina's true powers,
kidnaps one of her friends. Guess who? A new friend joins the group, a new enemy fights
them, and Zel gets laid. All in a day's work!
- Little Blue Riding Hood - YAOI
The classic fairy tale, with a twist. IE, it really IS a 'fairy' tale.
- Goldilocks and the 3 Gorgeous Mazoku - YAOI
Another twisted 'fairy' tale, much in the same vein as the first.
- Falling Down
Xelloss wants Lina, wants her badly. But unfortunately, he isn't to
sure of how far away this strong girl's breaking point is...
- Ask Mr. Metallium
A forum where the fabulous Mr. Metallium answers all of the
viewers' questions! Contributions welcomed.
- In Between the Lines
Two people who sometimes hate each other drink and think. Harukami is
no good at summaries and wishes someone else could write them. However, it is the one the
author is proudest of at the moment.
- Smoke and Mirrors
I was going to send this to a contest then I realized it was crap.
Fortunately, I sent Waiting for a Plot. Still, it's worthy of at least
typing up...
Ashe Rhyder
- Binding Ties
A little boy loses his family, so Firia and Xellos take care of him.
- Of Mysteries and Secrets
Firia, Xellos, and candle flames ... anyone get that? Then read on.
Miss Nightfall
- Love Never Found
Xellos never finds the love he's seeking and hoping until ...
- Mr. Self Destruct - YAOI
You know you want him Zelgadis ... but are you willing to destroy
yourself to get him?
- My Conversation with Xel
You know how Xellos is, always bothering us poor authors.
- The Last Day on Earth
When you're the only two people left on Earth ...
- L-Sama
L-sama pays a little visit to her chosen.
- Chaos
Companion to L-sama.
- Gradual Madness
"Have you ever felt your mind slip...?"
- Take This Love Out Of Me
I took a walk today, wandering to a coffee shop and then a park to
write a little and on the way home I stopped at this used CD store called Imagine and picked
up a Siouxsie and the Banshees CD I hadn't been able to find elsewhere. ('Rapture' in case you
care) Anyhoo. I was sitting on my ass in front of the computer listening to the disk and
reading the lyrics. And singing off-key too, but I digress. The point of the story is that I
came to the last song on the disk and suddenly somebody opened the fridge door inside my brain
and the little light came on. Now, because I am a Xelloss lover (big ol' duh) lots of my
fanfics centre around him and I am sort of a romantic in my deepest heart because some of my
fave fics concern the Mazoku falling for somebody. My point is I was listening to this song
and I thought, "Gee, since Mazoku are weakened by happy emotions (as Amelia aptly
demonstrates) wouldn't the very act of falling in love be like suicide?" chibi Smashing
Pumpkins appear and start screeching 'Love is suiciiiiiiide!!!' then disappear. Then
again, I believe love always leads to heartache so it might all balance out.... But my point
is that that thought prompted the following fic! Oh, and I highly recommend the disk as it
kicks some serious ass.
- Trap
The self-proclaimed Yami no Miko here again folks, ready to bore you
with more Author's notes! Gee, that almost rhymed. This is yet another songfic, and it
explores one of my favourite subjects: Xelloss' romantic life. I was sitting around as I so
often am, taking a welcome respite from lugging boxes around and the like, while listening to
some of my favourite songs when I started to think about how many of my stories concern the
beginning of love. (Awwww... don't tell anyone. To this day the majority of my friends believe
I don't have a romantic bone in my body.) Anyhoo. Get to the point, Miss N, right? Okay. The
point it that I was thinking about the END of relationships. You know... when they start to
drag and get to be more of a hassle than they're worth. So I started to think... if you had
two immortal beings in a relationship together, wouldn't they get REALLY sick of each other?
Maybe I'm the only one who feels it's possible to get tired of a person due to the fact I am a
'cold heartless bitch' and all, but the idea intrigued me enough and paired with the lyrics of
a certain Cure song it made a pretty good songfic. Enjoy.
- No You Don't
"But I own YOU, Phedra darling. You'd do well to remember that."
- Ringfinger
"Ultimately, she owned him."
- Night-Burning Rose
Xellos wants Lina, so he sets her up for a 'fall'.
- A Cute Little Nightmare
Lina dreams of marriage with Xellos!
- Rise of the Dragon Lord
A series of stories that tell of the past, and of how Milgazia the
Golden Dragon became who he is ...
- Can't Buy Me Love
Lina's stuck in a dreamscape with Xellos and Zelgadis has to get her out.
- My Way
Idol singing Slayers with Zelgadis and Xellos competing over Lina.
- Sickness Sucks
Mazoku don't get sick often, but when they do ...
- The Unknown
Xellos is in big trouble with Zelas and only the Slayers, with a little
help from Zelgadis's mom, can save him.
Anji Michalski
- Spider
Spider, spider, spin your webs ... and then fall to them.
- Masks
The only one who isn't wearing one is the one you least suspect.
- Sun and Shadow
"Child of day, and child of night, Who can set our tale aright?" -
Sun and Shadow from Mercedes Lackey's Heralds of Valdemar.
Night Angel
- Masks
What do we all hide under our everyday masks?
- Friends ... For Now
Tomorrow is never certain, like love.
For the Readers: This author is Italian, and English is not her native
language. Please realize that there might be some grammatical errors. (If any of you had
translated things, ya know what I mean.)
- A Realized Wish - INDEX
Amelia finds the one she can love ... and it's Xellos.
- New Life
Sequel to Realized Wish. Dynast plots and Amelia stays with
Xellos in Wolf Pack Island.
- Sacrifice
The price of a cure is sacrifice of a love to another.
- Deep in Darkness
Xellos give Amelia her vengeance, in return for herself.
- I Love You (Other Side)
I Love You from Xellos's POV.
- A Bit of Comfort
"I need of your fire, Lina-chan. I plead with you, let me help you to
ignite it."
- Untitled
"Oh, no I bought you."
- Can the Mazoku Love? - some YAOI
Some A triangle of hate, a triangle of indifference, a triangle of love
Gharv and Xelloss were lovers when Gharv was mazoku, and now Xelloss learns the most
difficult lesson... He can love. Written for the Zarbi challenge Yaoi.
Lady Chimera
Lady Sheira
- Beautiful Dreamer
Xellos seduces Zelgadis ... only to end up in love ... and dead.
- No Longer Dreaming - YAOI
Sequel to Beautiful Dreamer. Zelgadis is afraid to care for
- The Dance of Death and the Songs of Life
Poem off of Dance with Death.
- Still Smiling
Why does Xellos smile?
- Forbidden Love - YAOI
Two hearts that can beat as one.
- Choose Me
A poem in which Lina chooses between Zelgadis and Xellos.
- Choose Me
A poemfic based on the poem of the same name, in which Lina chooses
between Zelgadis and Xellos.
- The Hardest of Heart
Misunderstandings, fear, and pushing others away, obstructs Lina and
Zelgadis from getting together.
- Run With Me - YAOI
"Come to me, run with me, And we will never be alone again"
- HeartsBlood
Firia Xellos and Firia have peoblems getting together ... and staying
together, especially after Xellos is killed ...
- I Laugh
Something to laugh about.
- They Were Wrong
"They say Mazuko can't"
- Untitled - YAOI
Sometimes the best revenge lies through seduction.
- A Loving Family - YAOI
Sequel to Untitled. Xellos finally finds himself a family.
- Stolen Kisses - YAOI
Never, ever steal kisses. You never know what will happen.
- How I Hate
A poem from Xellos's POV.
- The Past and the Future
Xellos goes back in time to prevent the death of the gold dragons for
Firia's sake.
- Birthday Wishes - LEMON
Amelia gets her wish. Thanks to Xellos.
- Vow - LEMON
Xellos and Martina. Enough said.
Theria and SephZero
- Heartbreaker
A songfic about Firia and Xellos.
- Pure Again
Alright, I take it back. Not all of my one-shots are
Lina/Zel. In fact, this one doesn't even have a romantic twist in it. It's one of my weirder
ones where I try to be all deep and profound and usually fail quite utterly.
If you want to know, this involves Xelloss and one other character and
will stand for now as their 'official' history.
- One of Us
Firia and Xellos deny and hide behind deceptions they have built for
- Last Breath
Sequel to One of Us. Firia and Xellos confess their love.
- Opposites
A songfic written for the Zarbi Couple Challenge on the Slayers Fanatics
Lia Nolan
- King of Demons
Someone summons a demon ... any demon. What they get is
Cheyenne Greywords
- Evil
Xellos tells a story ... which may be more true than it appears.
- Search for Desire
Xellos wants Zelgadis so he turns him into a girl.
- Untitled
- Betrayal - YAOI LEMON
Rezo trades Zelgadis to Xellos for a clue to his sight.
- Healing - YAOI
Zelgadis finds out a few secrets hidden within his mind and
confronts Xellos.
- Untitled
A songic trilogy between Xellos and Firia.
- Revelations
"Which is exactly why you are interested."
- Confessions
Xellos challenges Firia to a drinking contest and they wind up married.
Not that neither object ... alot.
- Confessions - LEMON
Lemon version of Confessions.
- Companionship
Well, I was stumped on my other series, so I decided to write this
little lemon piece to keep myself occupied. *_* needs a cold shower now Just to
warn you, it is Xel/Amelia. I tried not to make it sappy (in fact, I don't think it's sappy
at all. I also don't think it's that good, but hey, that's for you guys to decide).
- Absence of Heart
- Absence of Heart - LEMON Version
- Nothing Changes
- The Many Faces of Love - LEMON
This one's Xel/Ame, as usual, and is the first blanketfic I've written.
- A Sonnet
Priestess Minerva
The Steel Gunner
- Slaypoems Borne of Boredom
Introspective poems of the Slayers cast.
Mystix The Ellimist
- The Sacrifice
"He whispered softly in her ear, "Lizard lips, I have a
confession to make." "
- Xelloss
"So chaos is a GOD"
- Xelloss to Zelgadiss
"I am the human ... I am the golem... I am the demon... "
- Xelloss to Zelgadiss 2
"And when he emerges, he'll become one of us ... "
- Revenge - YAOI LEMON
I wrote this fic as revenge for two people I knew...
Glares at Tasha and Chelle-chan It's a Xel/Val, and there's an eensy bit of a try
spoiler in here. Those who have seen try will know where this little chunk takes place, and
those who haven't can just go along with it and not worry ^.^ This is my first lemon, so don't
hate it too much? Thanx.
- Untitled Poems
Lymrics ...
- Ponder the Strangeness - YAOI
Dammit! I'm gonna get myself flamed, I have to! I feel left
out. You people are gonna get more stuff like this until I get a flame, so there!!
Suoh no Miko
- To Whom It May Concern
"I would simply like to explain once and for all that I cannot survive
- Secret Intentions - YAOI
Xellos wants something from Valgarv. Not that he'll tell Valgarv what.
Zellie G'
- Never
Lina is Xellos's light.
Moniker Silk
- FireFly
"Having lived so long in darkness, now I hate the light."
- One Week - YAOI
"Xellos slips the list down into his pants and smiles challengingly at
- Strangers Like Me
Lina and Gourry find themselves stranded on Wolf Pack Island and meet
Xellos for the first time. Xel finds himself falling for her and she finds she also loves him.
Set in an alternate Slayers world.
- Leave
Part of my idea was that it was meant as part of a group. Five
corresponding songfics if, and only if, this one works out. Which means, really, if this one
doesn't stink terribly. Which I can't decide.
It is a sort-of fluff/humor Zel/Xel songfic, meant as a distraction from
my other Zel/Xel songfic, which is terribly dark. (At least, it's meant to be.....) That one
is half finished.
This one is a modern one, with Zel in his own apartment. That's about
all that needs to be said......
- Homeopathic
Jasmine Ojeda
- The City in the Well
We all hear about the Trickster Priest with his escapades with Lina
Inverse and company, but what about his duties to his master? What about her duties to someone
else? Find out!
Amaya Shinkuyoake
- Jewels
A poem. Counterpoint to Impossible.
Oh, and if you've ever seen anythig made with Alabaster, you'll
understand this a little better, but if you haven't...Alabaster is a very hard, smooth kind of
semi-precious stone which, if carved to extreme thinness, can actually glow when lit from
- Xellos & Filia Blanket Scenario
I actually did begin writing this back when it was still quite cold out
where I was.
Also a Blanket Scenerio ficcy.
- Dreams
- I Could Fall In Love
Xellos is at a crossroads in his life and he wants to talk to Filia
about it.
- Ruminations
A short little piece about the "morning after".
- Dark Eyes
My first ever Xellos and Filia story ... slightly OOC now that I look
back on it, but I do so love the song.
- To Dare
My latest piece, written under the influence of cold medication, so it's
a little strange.
- Decisions
Xellos tells Filia a story just before the group splits up after the
end of TRY.
- Return to the Beginning
"Xelloss sealed his lips against hers at the same time he shot a tight
beam of dark energy through her heart."
- Shattered
Broken mirrors and chatty Mazoku.
- Games
"One ruby eye flipped shut in a cruelly cheerful wink and, with that,
'Lina Inverse' left the chimera alone with only his shattered dreams."
Mazoku no Miko
- Sleep
"But I'm not planning anything, I would never dream of it. I haven't
slept in 60 years; I haven't dreamt in 80."
- The Red Death - YAOI
"P.S. Its bullshit that Mazoku don't love, and you know it."
Kopii Kat
- Immortal Wounds
Where is Zelas?
- Love and Nature
Xellos and Zelgadis are trapped in a cave, all alone ...
Who has caught who?
When I thought of a third and then fourth part to this storyline I
decided to admit to myself it was going to be a mulitpart and put it under and unbrella title.
Therefore, if you're looking for A Moment Alone or Gotcha you can
find them here.
- Flashbacks - YAOI
Anyway, this story is basically a bunch of scenes I thought up strung
together, so it's a little bit silly. This is about as silly as my stories get though, I think
I need to work on that ;-)
- Prison of the Past
This is another story that became a multipart because it got longer than
I expected, although, with this one, I really should have known that was going to happen. It's
not yet completed, but I decded to put the first half up anyway. I'm hoping to get the next
part completed and up by next month at the latest.
I really don't know what most people consider 'dark' content, but this
one strikes me as fitting that description so I'm putting that warning on it.
- Frozen - YAOI
Okay, just 'cause I wrote one doesn't mean I started liking songfics
grin I still, on the whole, don't, but here this is anyway.
- Games - YAOI
This was written for the "Zelgadiss and Xellos Shonen Ai Club" just for
fun, therefore, no real plot required grin
- Pay the Price - YAOI LEMON
The original idea for this story came while I was reading an Untitled
Multipart by Mizel. The first part's called Betrayal. Therefore, I don't take credit for the
idea of the deal between Rezo and Xellos, but everything else is pretty different, as you'll
be able to see if you read both stories.
- Earn the Reward - YAOI LEMON
This is the sequel to Pay the Price.
Have you ever been listening to a song and thought that it suited a
character perfectly? Of course some of you have, that's how we get songfics. Anyway, while
working on this, I was listening to some of my CDs and found songs that I thought fit both
Xellos and Zelgadiss in this story pretty well. So I'm calling them their images songs for
this fic, imagine that they're the ones singing.
- Icha Icha - YAOI LEMON
A cute lil fic written to do one starting after Zel and Xel get together
for a change, and to do a lemon from Xel's point of view.
Just a note on the title, I looked ichaicha up in a dictionary and got
"flirt; make out" which works better than one of the other meanings I've read "showing
affection in public." However, the translation I had in mind when I wrote this was "touching
and carrying on" so that's the theme to the story.
- Body and Soul
I came up with a neat little idea for a fic in which Zel jumps Xel, then
I had to do another one to explain WHY it had happened, and then, well, it just kept going. So
far I have an idea for at least one more part and then that should be it.
- Happy Anniversary - YAOI LEMON
A sequel Body and Soul, it's probably best to read that one
first if you don't want to get confused. Happy Beltane everyone!
- Once Upon a Time ... - YAOI
"Well, they gave up waiting after our happy couple stayed in their room
for two weeks straight, and left figuring that they would catch up whenever they were done
what they were doing."
- Musings
"Damn it, you intrique me, draw me in with veiled eyes."
- Study Break - YAOI LEMON
"You've been in here for a very long time Zel-chan"
- Walking the Road
Anyway, I've continued on with the storyline for Journey
and Fumbling so this is where they'e been moved to. And, I realised that my
Interlude Contemplation would fit in nicely with a bit of a rewrite, so it's now
here too ;-)
Needed to kick-start my writing so I did a PWP that turned out pretty
well. Thanks to Kata-chan for the title!
The song? Ice geeze :-) Anyway, this is an odd fic for a
happy ending addict, but it was one of those ideas that just wouldn't leave my head.
- Surrender - YAOI
The song Sweet Surrender Um, well, it's a PWP so there's
not much more to say than that... ^_^
- Possession - YAOI
Possession and in my head it's the piano version, but I
guess it doesn't really matter.
- Mazoku Lover - YAOI LEMON
Playing with the theory that Xel's real form is a black tornado.
- Happy Birthday Xellos - YAOI
his fic was inspired by the picture Christmas by kc-chan. (Which is
obviously a Christmas picture, not a birthday one but I didn't remember that until a few
moments ago when I went to download it, oops ^_~)
- Mirror, Mirror
Another fic inspired by some fanart. I think the ones for this one were
done by Cloudia, but I don't really know. If you've seen them you should be able to figure it
out by the end of the fic. If not, well, I guess it really doesn't matter ::LOL::
- Levels of Pleasure
This does sorta have a storyline, but it's designed to be an excuse to
write a whole bunch of PWP stories ::grin:: So enjoy!
- Yuletide Cheer - YAOI
A cute little fic for the holidays.
- Interlude: Good-bye - YAOI
- Predator and Prey
I really have no idea where this fic is headed so it'll be fun to see ^_^
- Too Silent - YAOI
The sequel to Too Quiet.
- A Strange Kind of Acceptance - YAOI
This fic is inspired by Kanzeyori's poem The Layers in Battle,
the title is taken from one of the lines from that poem.
- Shattered Glass - YAOI
My answer to Kanzeyori's Concubine Challenge on the Silk and Stone
Mailing List.
- All the King's Men - YAOI LEMON
Given that Shattered Glass set up a situation without
resolving anything I had to write a sequel ^_^
- With a Kiss - YAOI
I like this one. Although, I think with the ending I've got here a
sequel may be required. At least, that's what Kata tells me ::grin::
- Demon Conscience - YAOI
Dedicated to Kash, a fluffy little fic that was inspired by some
coversations about the voices on your shoulders.
- Monument to Suffering - YAOI
A present for Zoey, it was Dark Roses 2nd Anniversary, yeah!
- At the Costume Ball - YAOI LEMON
This was written for the Silk and Stone Halloween fanfic contest and got
third place ^_^
- Because I'm Bored - YAOI
Okay, so the title of this is really what I was thinking when I started
writing it ^_^ It was meant to be an unproofed fic that I added to every day, but that kinda
fell through when I got something the resembled a life. Now I work on it when I have the time.
- Cold Hands, Warm Heart - YAOI LEMON
This is kinda playing with a well-used theme, but it's short and sweet
so here it is ^_^
- New Moon - YAOI
Another grammar class construction. Plays with repeating key words.
- Put 'Em Together - YAOI LEMON
A fun little fic that's a like a game. It's a "choose your path" story
- The Layers in Battle - YAOI
When enemies become lovers.
- Facets
Introspective piece on masks and etc., Xelloss' POV. (Yes, it's another
poem, bear with me ~.~;;...)
- A Double-Edged Blade
The seduction of Lina Inverse ... or perhaps it's the seduction of
Xellos Metallium ...
- Hiding in the Light - YAOI
"...But before the actors continued on their preordained scripts, for a
single brief moment the tips of their fingers met..."
- All That Matters
"...Because I am near her. And she is happy...It's all that matters...."
- Ash of Cold Mornings
"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust..."
Silver Angel
- Forbidden Magic
A story of forbidden magic, discoveries of the heart, and tragedy.
Unfortunately, short.
- My Favorite Mistake - YAOI
Spin-off to Song.
- Meetings - LEMON
This lemon. This romantic, sad lemon.
- Darkness Beyond Deepest Pitch
This is a series of poems of my promised Zel/Xel lemon. However, not all
of it will be lemon (sorry, hentais). This has an idea in it that I was going to use somewhere
else, but...
- Hunted
Gomen! I didn't want to write this kind of fic, but it just came out
like this!
- Violet and Ice - LEMON YAOI
Side story to More Time.
Lina Inverse The Dramata
- The World Within Her Eyes
Xellos and Lina Song Fic (a depressing one in a way yes...)
- All For Her Love
Ok this goes against all that I like in a way... I prefer Xell/Lina,
Amelia/Zel and Gourry/Sylphiel pairings but damn... Some stories need different pairings. This
is after My story A Song For You. If you want the lemon version of this email me.
- A Wedding
Poem from Xellos's point of view.
- How Much is That Xellos In the Window
More random and insane songs by me, This is to the tune of, How
Much is that Doggy in the Window...
- A Mazoku Known as Xellos ...
This is to the old theme song for Zorro.
Emilie Kelsey
- Kopii-Xelloss Fic
Okay So I like don't remember who but someone said (on the Xellos-Lovers
ML) that they wanted to see a Kopii-Xelloss Fanfic. Well I spent the time and wrote it.
- Who I Am
"I used to," he replied. "She's...leaving soon, and I'm too much of a
coward to tell her the truth about myself."
- Commercial
Inspired by Renfield's recent Slaytoon ...
Xelloss Metallium
- The Last Mazoku
An alternate reality.... What if Xelloss were the last of his kind?
- The Fey
"Great.... A library..." Lina said in a low grumbling voice. "Just what
we need." She screwed her eyes shut and jumped up and down in a fit. "WHERE'S THE
- Chapter 1: Treasure, Books, and Dust
- Chapter 2: Discovery, Evasion, and Confusion
- Chapter 3: Vagueness, Lies, and Torture
- Chapter 4: Manipulation, Trepidation, and Accusations
- Chapter 5: Mysteries, Legends, and Myths
- Chapter 6: Mazoku, Humans, and Dragons (Oh My!)
- Chapter 7: Dreams of the Past, Memories of Pain, Images of Death
- Chapter 8: Unsealing, Undoing, Unveiling
- Chapter 9: First, Pure, and Golden
- Chapter 10: Conclusions, Results, and Changes
- Darknyte
"Few know what it's truly like, but much like bliss and happiness, it
comforts and soothes you."
- Of Dragons and Demons - INDEX
What could the mysterious priest's background be? There have been many
speculations, but here dawns a new side of the trickster, to which lies truths, and lies.
Follow the journey that few know, few dare to learn of, and listen as the truth is finally
spilled, and reveals the gruesome and surprising details of his past....
Story by: Xelloss Metallium and Filia Ul Copt via an rpg we've been
cough passionate about for the past uh... few weeks... coughs more and
it's over 100 pages now... and it's done, only not edited all the way. whistles
- Stitches
"Tying yourself to me, stitch up my emptiness 'cause you're the death of
- Dolphin's Cry
Okaaaaay, this lil bit of weirdness was brought by watching the last
episode of Next over and over and etc. This is my lil attempt to explain things like how
Xelloss ended up with the sword of light. (Oh. and to add a lil bias ^_~)
- Run to the Water
Sequel to Dolphin's Cry.
- Purple Is
- When the Inevitable Comes to Pass ...
- The Violet-Eyed Demon
Ok in college we had to write a poem with a dark essence to it so I
decided to write about Xelloss!
- No More Pain
The pain doesn't go away. (poem)
- Just a Dream
The starry night is a wonderful setting for romance.
- The Making of a Family
Xelloss pays a visit to Filia and gets more than he bargained for!
- Somewhere
"They were meant for someone else, someone who can support
her, cherish her, give her anything she wants with out regrets."
Relm The Wanderer
- Mind Games - INDEX
Relm: Well for once I'm doing a story that isn't a Lina/Zel story.
Xellos: Oooh! Than whoes it about?
Relm: You.
Xellos: O.o Reallly?!
Relm: And Filia.
Xellos: Oh.
- The Second Bet
Sequel to Card Castles.
- Friday the 13th
"Xellos' eyes snapped open after hearing the word kitty."
- Untitled
Poetry of the foursome.
- Uninvited
"Mazoku don't love, ever."
- Moonrise
I personally don't believe Xellos was ever human, but here's how he
might have started, if he had been ...
- The Silver Cage
Prequel to Moonrise.
- xEros: The Ordeals
Warning! This is entirely for kinky Xellos fans, and contains
little more than scenes of gratuitous nudity and/or sex, with elements of BDSM.
Read at your own risk. Yaoi contents; erotic-grotesque.
- The Predator and the Prey
"Just wait until he made his move."
- Affair - YAOI
A sweet Zel/Xel songfic.
- Hearts Desire
Xellos is given a quest for his heart's desire by the Lord of Nightmares.
- Untitled
A romance of Zel/Xel.
- Passionate Search - YAOI and LEMON
Zelgadis finds Rezo's journal and there is mad boy/boy love with Xellos.
Archess Shi Ryuu
- Waiting
"Now Xellos, you would try your hand? Of my oldest race of children, you are my
favorite, Beast Master's servant, and of my youngest race, she is my chosen, but the Laws
cannot be broken by just anyone, I would not lose either of you. Renounce your earlier
statement of devotion to her, and all shall be as it was. Give up your illusions of love for
my fire-haired child, or lose your heart completely."
Kate Hunt
- How Xellos met Koyuki
After a tiresome day, Xellos looks forward to a nice long nap ... but
what he finds is something a little more special.
Koyuki means 'butterfly'.
Kalia Arkanon
- Tainted Love
"An evil grin slowly formed on his face.. stupidity.. check.. stamina..
check.. Grease the hogs and call me Margaret; we have a winner."
- I Love You
Okay, this was inspired by Amaya's "award winning" Songfic, Lady in
Moon Glider
- One Cold Night - YAOI
I thought I would try my hand at writing a fan fiction. This is
actually the second only fan fic I have ever written and my first yaoi. It's a little short
and I think it went too fast but it is good for a beginner.
- This is Why We Don't Support Xel and Lina Fics!
Don't let the title fool you. I do read and enjoy Xelloss and Lina
coupling stories. I'm just Zel and Lina bias. No biggie. Well to some maybe. Anyway.
see you later.
Stacy Parker
- The Dreaming Time
This is a Xelloss/Filia lemon.
- Ease
This is a Xelloss/Fila lemon-ish one shot, obviously, and I think it may
be a potential sequel to the previous lemon about those two I wrote.
Froot Cake aka Chu
- Kitsune Gari
Kitsune Gari means Fox Hunt I wrote this in two different points of
view. Can you guess who the characters are?
Feary Moon
- Iris
A Xellos/Firia songfic.
Murasaki no Miko
- Everything You Want
A Xel/Lina songfic, with the song Everything You Want by Vertical
Horizon. A very dark fic, about Xelloss' love for Lina, which is not returned, and the mistake
he makes in trying to win her love the wrong way.
- Seedling of Hate
Yet another dark fic, which connects Xelloss' hatred of Ryuzoku (as well
as what he wears, and his staff) to a childhood experience with a dragon priest and his elder
sister, Ziras.
- Betrayal
This story is a piece of Xelloss' past, from the time right before and
during the War of the Monsters' Fall. Of course, all of this except for one tiny piece is
totally made up, but then ... that's why its called a fanfic, ne?
Lynne Stephens
- Bad Fred
This is a shortie about Xelloss, and a girl called Ann. Except Xelloss
isn't called Xelloss in this one, he's called Fred, or at least he calls himself Fred. I
simply wanted to use the title: Bad Fred legitimately. So I did. Ha.
Lyria Moonriver
- Through a Mirror, Darkly - YAOI LEMON
Valgaav gets more than he bargained for when a visit from Xelloss turns
into an exploration of the Trickster Priest's deepest desires. The title is taken from
Christian mystic's description of how one views God.
- Trickster Priest
A lot of people on AOL like to create profiles unique to the characters
they role play as. Some like to describe their characters appearence. Some like to attempt
to create the desired image in the minds of those who read them. Others just like to make up
silly poetry pertaining to the character and/or it's actions.
Tha'd be me.
Kimera Celes
- A Question of Humanity
Zelgadis Graywords, always searching for a cure to his Chimeric
condition. But could his searches awaken an angry evil lady lurking in the darkness? And
what exactly is Xellos up to?? Ah "Sore wa himitsu desu!"! Oh, and Lina goes to talk to
Filia about something ::gasps:: serious!?
- Prizm
Um. Just a kawaii little Lina/Xelloss "shippy" fic. ^_^ Lovey Dovey
Stuff. Also a songfic. Prizm by Pax 217. I think its pretty corny. :P
Elf From Space
- Trickster's Wedding
Surgeon's General Warning: The following story contains several
blatantly mushy Xelloss and Filia scenes. Exercise caution if weddings are known to give you
cavities. Beware of Zelgadis/Amelia, and Lina/Gourry hints. In addition there is a great
deal of silliness, and general attempts at bad humor. Author takes no liability for nausea or
for harmful laughter caused by the reading of this story. Continue at your own risk...
- Kissing Games
This was a assignment for French class. It's a fairy tale-ish
Xellos/Syphiel fic.
- False Weaving
Xellos talking to Filia, or at least that's what it was supposed to be.
I guess it could be about anybody ... Originally written in french for school.
Niu Shiy-Ue
Mizu Toriko
- The Last Rose of Summer
o.O; The second war between the Mazoku and Ryuuko. Guess who Xel finds?
- Of Dragons and Cinnamon Rolls
Xellos eats cinnamon rolls and is thinking of a certain dragon ...
- Can't Fight Anymore
Filia and her inner most thoughts ... or feelings about someone.
Alright, forget the mystery... hehe. We know it's Xellos ... ^_^
- Yellow Birdies, Tea, and Love
Xellos, Filia, sweet moments ... anything more?
Kalis Deleira
Xelan Metallium
- Slayers Pentasama
A new evil seeks to reform a weapon as old as time. With Xelloss no
longer a threat, only Lina can stop it.
Mazkou Princess
- Mazkou Honeymoon - LEMON
This is a Aymes/Xellos Lemon. (Aymes is the Mazkou Princess A.K.A
Zelas's Daughter)
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